course information of 109 - 1 | 2505 Building Construction. (I)(建築構造〈一〉)

2505 - 建築構造〈一〉 Building Construction. (I)

教育目標 Course Target

建築除了設計外,必須被建造起來才算是真正的建築,所以建築師法中建築師的業務包含勘測規劃、詳細設計及現場監造,所以構造提供了建造房子的方法,如何按圖施工、如何選擇合理的工法、如何有效控制財務與時間、安全與效率…,這些都是構造的重要課題。而構造包括的內容很廣,建築材料、構造工法、施工方式、施工圖製作等,而且各項目常有新的研發,日新月異,所以第一學期的構造課原則上以建築材料與構造系統為主,而第二學期的構造課則以施工方式、施工圖製作為重點我們的重點仍是以建材與構造系統為主。東海建築以建築設計為教學重點,因此課程將不會有太多的數據與工程,而以建築設計所需構造基本知識為原則,並加強文献閱讀與隨堂作業;文献閱讀已在課程大綱上標示,若有調整,會在每次上課前一週公佈,同學需在課前閱讀,上課時討論,作業原則上隔週交。 所有上課資料及繳交作業均在教學平台公佈與進行。In addition to the design, a building must be built to be considered a real building. Therefore, the architect's business in the Architect Law includes survey planning, detailed design and on-site construction supervision. Therefore, the structure provides the method of building a house, how to construct according to the drawings, and how to choose. Reasonable construction methods, how to effectively control finances and time, safety and efficiency... these are all important issues in construction. Structure includes a wide range of contents, such as building materials, construction methods, construction methods, construction drawing production, etc., and each project often has new research and development and changes with each passing day, so the structure class in the first semester is in principle focused on building materials and structural systems. , while the construction class in the second semester focuses on construction methods and construction drawing production. Our focus is still on building materials and structural systems. Donghai Architecture takes architectural design as its teaching focus, so the course will not include too much data and engineering, but will be based on the basic structural knowledge required for architectural design, and strengthen literature reading and class assignments; literature reading is already on the course syllabus If any adjustments are made to the marking, it will be announced one week before each class. Students are required to read it before class and discuss it during class. In principle, homework is due every other week. All class materials and assignments are published and processed on the teaching platform.

課程概述 Course Description

建築除了設計外,必須被建造起來才算是真正的建築,所以建築師法中建築師的業務包含勘測規 劃、詳細設計及現場監造,所以構造提供了建造房子的方法,如何按圖施工、如何選擇合理的工 法、如何有效控制財務與時間、安全與效率…,這些都是構造的重要課題。而構造包括的內容很 廣,建築材料、構造工法、施工方式、施工圖製作等,而且各項目常有新的研發,日新月異,所 以第一學期的構造課原則上以建築材料與構造系統為主,而第二學期的構造課則以施工方式、施 工圖製作為重點,並以參觀工地實際了解施工現況為主軸。但這學期校園還在施工中的工地已接 近完工:東大附小教學大樓(鋼筋混凝土構造)、第二校區教職員宿舍(鋼筋混凝土構造),所以 參觀機會不多,只能安排結構體工程(鋼筋工程、模板工程、混凝土澆置工程)與裝修工程等, 當然這需要配合工地進度。而我們的重點仍是以建材與構造系統為主。東海建築以建築設計為教 學重點,因此課程將不會有太多的數據與工程,而以建築設計所需構造基本知識為原則,並加強 文献閱讀與隨堂作業;文献閱讀已在課程大綱上標示,若有調整,會在每次上課前一週公佈,同 學需在課前閱讀,上課時討論,作業原則上隔週交。 有關其他可能參觀的機會,像大都會音樂廳、亞洲大學創意設計學院大樓(藝術館)…..將另行通知。 12月有「實構築」研討會及工作營,修本課同學均需參與各項活動,詳細內容另附。 所有上課資料及繳交作業均在教學平台公佈與進行。
In addition to the design, a building must be constructed to be considered a real building. Therefore, the architect's business in the Architects Law includes survey regulations. Planning, detailed design and on-site construction supervision, so the structure provides methods for building a house, how to construct according to the drawings, and how to choose reasonable construction materials. Law, how to effectively control finance and time, safety and efficiency... these are all important issues for the organization. The structure includes a lot of content Widely, building materials, construction methods, construction methods, construction drawing production, etc., and each project often has new research and development, changing with each passing day, so In principle, the structural course in the first semester focuses on building materials and structural systems, while the structural course in the second semester focuses on construction methods and construction systems. The focus is on the production of construction drawings, and the main axis is to visit the construction site to actually understand the current construction status. However, the construction site that is still under construction on the campus this semester has been Nearly completed: the teaching building of Dongda Elementary School (reinforced concrete structure), the second campus staff dormitory (reinforced concrete structure), so There are not many opportunities to visit, and we can only arrange structural projects (rebar projects, formwork projects, concrete pouring projects) and decoration projects, etc. Of course, this needs to be coordinated with the progress of the construction site. Our focus is still on building materials and structural systems. Donghai Architecture teaches architectural design The focus is on learning, so the course will not have too much data and engineering, but will be based on the basic structural knowledge required for architectural design and strengthen Literature reading and class assignments; literature reading has been marked on the course syllabus. If there are any adjustments, they will be announced one week before each class. Students need to read before class and discuss during class. In principle, homework is due every other week. Regarding other possible visiting opportunities, such as the Metropolitan Concert Hall, Asia University School of Creative Design Building (Art Gallery)... will be notified separately. There will be a "Real Construction" seminar and work camp in December. Students taking this course are required to participate in various activities. Details are attached separately. All class materials and assignments are published and processed on the teaching platform.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.葉基棟, 吳卓夫, 營造法與施工 上下, 台北茂榮.
2.Francis. D.K. Chiang, 圖解建築構造-樣式、系統與設計 第五版Building construction Illustrated, 易博士文化.
3.Foster, Michael, Architecture, style ,structure and design, N.Y. excalibur books.
4.Ramsey / Sleeper, graphic standard, AIA, wiley & sons.inc
5.Edward Allen , 建築構造的基本原則,六合2001.
6.Andrea Deplazes , Constructing Architecture Materials Processes Structures a handbook, Birkhauser, Basel.

1. Ye Jidong, Wu Zhuofu, Construction Methods and Construction Shang Xia, Taipei Maorong.
2.Francis. D.K. Chiang, Building construction Illustrated - Style, System and Design, fifth edition, Dr. Yi Culture.
3.Foster, Michael, Architecture, style, structure and design, N.Y. excalibur books.
4.Ramsey / Sleeper, graphic standard, AIA, wiley & sons.inc
5.Edward Allen, Basic Principles of Building Construction, Liuhe 2001.
6.Andrea Deplazes, Constructing Architecture Materials Processes Structures a handbook, Birkhauser, Basel.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
平常作業 平常作業
Daily homework
期中作業 期中作業
midterm assignment
Didn't take exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3[系大評圖室]
授課教師 Teacher:曾 瑋
修課班級 Class:建築系2,碩2
選課備註 Memo:碩2B補修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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