course information of 109 - 1 | 2503 Introduction to Architecture(建築概論)

2503 - 建築概論 Introduction to Architecture

教育目標 Course Target

傳統的建築專業,往往將建築連結於類藝術品的品味,把風格視為時尚;或是將建築窄化為以建築物為客體對象的工程技術,以及,將建築視為可以被商品化的知識生產。本課程有別於此,將提供建築系一年級新生一個認識環繞建築這個專業,包括建築設計與營造、地景建築、都市設計與規劃的導論課程。這個課程也意圖在專業者還是入門新生的階段,成為一具有通識教育意義的入門課程;透過淺顯易懂的文字論述與案例,帶領同學在空間-社會-文化的複雜卻有趣之互動之間,理解建築與建築設計,並進一步理解未來五年在建築系列的必修課程與這個專頁之間的連帶關係。進一步地說,這是認識建築與建築存在的自然與人為環境之間的空間導論,空間是課程討論的主題,一方面試著瞭解有意義的建築如何緊密聯繫著我們當下的日常生活,另一方面則是介紹與傳遞改造-塑造-創造之間空間專業者的專業責任。 本課上課方式以主題式的演講為主,輔以課後的即時回應與閱讀討論:課程由人類最原始的集居狀態開始談起,將營造的行為放在人類文明史的發展脈絡中檢視,從基礎的營造形成聚居狀態到透過分工與積累越趨細緻的整體人文環境建構。由身體尺度的體驗開始,課程透過將營造的空間放回其得以被營造的「過程」中檢視,讓尺度的放大與縮小不是一個單純專業者視角的調整,而是一個具有社會意義與價值的討論方式;亦即,將建築的討論從單純的實質形式的討論帶進空間的文化形式(the cultural form of s pace)討論的範疇,也建構同學對空間象徵價值表現的敏感度。課程將透過每週的課後隨堂報告,乃至於期中與期末的自問自答方式,學會對我們周邊或歷史中的特定建築對象進行發問,並嘗試尋求解答。 與此同時,教學中將反覆提醒,反省建築與城市做為人類的生活空間與時間在當前社會所面對的種種問題,與如何提供改善之道?作為一建築系新生的入門導論課程,課程也將試圖讓同學日後在建築系一定會經歷的專業「必修課」與每一講的主題建構核心問題意識的對應關係:世界建築史、近代建築史、中國建築史、建築構造、建築物理、建築設備、都市計畫、都市設計、基地計畫、營建法規、建築計畫等專業科目都將有機會透過本課程的引介而得以與我們這個專業規避不掉的現代化的歷史移植、殖民情境下的現代化、現代主義國際樣式的趨同與後現代主義建築與城市、可持續的論述及其實踐、市民城市的都市設計、社區設計、古蹟保存、建築與城市的溝通價值與公共空間的意義競爭等面向。由這些不同尺度的面向去檢視建築師的專業角色與透過建築設計可以產生的話語權,並進而指陳設計與規劃的專業者在當前全球資訊化年代歷史巨變中所面對的挑戰,以及,在網絡社會全面支配人類社會時應開展的寬廣視野。 總之,本課引領入門,建構反身能力,回應現實問題,界定專業領域與專界者角色,期望能以歷史的距離,重構有分析性的建築與都市價值,摸索空間與社會的改造之道。 The traditional architectural profession often associates architecture with the taste of quasi-artworks and regards style as fashion; or narrows architecture to engineering technology with buildings as the object, and regards architecture as something that can be commercialized. knowledge production. This course is different from this. It will provide first-year students of the Department of Architecture with an introductory course to understand the major of surrounding architecture, including architectural design and construction, landscape architecture, and urban design and planning. This course is also intended to be an introductory course with general education significance for professionals or freshmen; through easy-to-understand textual discussions and cases, it will lead students through the complex but interesting interactions of space, society, and culture. , understand architecture and architectural design, and further understand the connection between the required courses in the architecture series in the next five years and this page. Furthermore, this is an introduction to the understanding of architecture and the space between the natural and man-made environments in which buildings exist. Space is the theme of the course discussion. On the one hand, we try to understand how meaningful architecture is closely connected with our current daily life. On the other hand, It is the professional responsibility of professionals who introduce and convey the space between transformation, shaping and creation. The class method of this class is mainly thematic lectures, supplemented by instant responses and reading discussions after class: the course starts from the most primitive state of human settlement, and examines the behavior of construction in the development context of the history of human civilization. , from the basic construction to form a state of settlement to the increasingly detailed construction of the overall humanistic environment through division of labor and accumulation. Starting from the experience of body scale, the course examines the created space by putting it back into the "process" of its creation, so that the enlargement and reduction of scale is not a simple adjustment of a professional's perspective, but an adjustment with social significance and value. Discussion methods; that is, bringing the discussion of architecture from a purely substantive form discussion into the cultural form of space (the cultural form of space) discussion, and also building students' sensitivity to the symbolic value of space. Through weekly after-class reports, as well as self-question and answer sessions at midterm and final, the course will learn to ask questions about specific architectural objects around us or in history, and try to find answers. At the same time, the teaching will be repeatedly reminded to reflect on the various problems that architecture and cities, as human living spaces and time, face in the current society, and how to provide ways to improve them? As an introductory course for freshmen in the Department of Architecture, the course will also try to provide students with a corresponding relationship between the professional "required courses" that students will definitely experience in the Department of Architecture in the future and the awareness of the core issues constructed by the theme of each lecture: the history of world architecture and the history of modern architecture. , Chinese architectural history, architectural structure, architectural physics, construction equipment, urban planning, urban design, base planning, construction regulations, architectural planning and other professional subjects Through the introduction of this course, students will have the opportunity to interact with the historical transplantation of modernization that our profession cannot avoid, modernization in the colonial context, the convergence of modernist international styles and postmodernist architecture and cities, sustainable discourse and Its practice, urban design of citizen cities, community design, preservation of historic sites, communication value between architecture and city and competition in the meaning of public space, etc. From these aspects of different scales, we examine the professional role of architects and the voice that can be generated through architectural design, and then point out the challenges that design and planning professionals face in the historical changes of the current global information age, and, A broad vision that should be developed when the network society fully dominates human society. In short, this course provides an introductory course, builds reflexive abilities, responds to real problems, defines professional fields and the roles of professionals, and hopes to reconstruct analytical architecture and urban values ​​from a historical distance, and explore ways to transform space and society. .

課程概述 Course Description

This course is an introductory course for the Department of Architecture. It mainly focuses on "What is a man-made environment?", "What is architecture?", "What are the construction-related industries?", "What is the Department of Architecture studying?", "How to study well" A brief introduction to issues such as "Architectural Design" and "The Way Out for the Department of Architecture".

參考書目 Reference Books

 Rassmusen, Steen Eilier, 1959 Expericing Architecture, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (中譯本:漢寶德 譯,《體驗建築》,台北:台隆出版社)
 Hellman, Louis. 1997, Architecture for Beginners, Rowohlt paperback publisher, Reinbek, 1988 (《認識建築》張淑玫 譯,台北:時報文化出版社)
 Bloomer, Kent and Charles Moore, 1977. Body, Memory and Architecture, New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press.(有中譯,葉庭芬譯,《人體、記憶與建築》,台北:尚林。)(第一章)(這是本週最重要的閱讀資料,精讀!看完可以自己去買全書來看。本書可視為1970年代末美國耶魯大學建築學院研究所三年制(第一專業學位)實習課訓練的最重要教材,在教學知識上的準備。這也是對包浩斯為代表的現代建築學院的基本設計
 Barthes, Roland, 1964. “The Eiffel Tower”, in Roland Barthes, 1979, The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies, New York: Hill and Wang, pp.3-17.(有中譯,李幼蒸譯,“艾菲爾鐵塔”,《寫作的零度》,台北:時報文化,頁156-168。)
 Berger, John, 1972 Ways of Seeing, London:BBC & Penguin Books. (中譯本:陳志梧 譯,《看的方法》,台北:明文出版社)
 夏鑄九,2010,“與台大同學談建築”。(修改前原文曾發表於: 夏鑄九,2008,“與中學生談建築”,《聯合報》,3月9日。
 Harvey, David, 1986.“The Essential and Vernacular Landscape”, Design Book Review, No.10, Fall, pp.13-17.(有中譯,張景森譯),“本質的與鄉土的地景”。
 Sennet, Richard1994 , Flech and Stone: the Body and the City in the Western Civilization, Norton Press. (中譯本:黃煜文 譯, 《肉體與石頭:西方文明中的人類身體與城市》,台北:麥田出版社。
 Wolfe, Tom 1981, From Bauhaus to Our House , Farrar, Straus & Giroux Press (中譯本:祝仲華/王鈺 譯, 《從包浩斯到我們的房子:現代建築的來龍去脈》,台北:尚林出版社。)
 林徽音,1934,《清式營造則例》之“緒論”。(重要,經典著作,必須知道它。)
 Castells, Manuel, 1992. “The Space of Flows: A Theory of Space in the Informational City”, paper presented on conference of “The New Urbanism”, Princeton University, Oct. (有中譯,王志弘譯,“流動空間:資訊社會的空間理論”,《城市與設計》,第1期。)
 Harvey, David, 2001. “On Architects, Bees, and ‘Species Being’”, in Spaces of Hope, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp.199-212.(有中譯,“建築師、蜜蜂與‘類存在’”,王志弘譯。(作者的討論已經不只是建築師了,但對建築師的角色反思頗有助益。)
 Lynch, Kevin, 1960. The Image of the City, Cambridge, Ma.: The MIT Press. (有中譯,宋伯欽譯,《都市意象》,台北:台隆。)(第一章,第三章)(重要,經典著作。)
 Lynch, Kevin, 1980.“City Design: What is it and How it Might be Taught?” Urban Design International, Vol.1, No.2, pp.48-49, 52-53.(有中譯,祈寶忠譯,“城市設計──是什麼?要怎麼教
 Rassmusen, Steen Eilier, 1959 Experiencing Architecture, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (Chinese translation: Translated by Han Baode, "Experiencing Architecture", Taipei: Tailong Press)
 Hellman, Louis. 1997, Architecture for Beginners, Rowohlt paperback publisher, Reinbek, 1988 ("Understanding Architecture" translated by Zhang Shumei, Taipei: Times Culture Publishing House)
 Bloomer, Kent and Charles Moore, 1977. Body, Memory and Architecture, New Haven, Ct.: Yale University Press. (With Chinese translation, translated by Ye Tingfen, "The Human Body, Memory and Architecture", Taipei: Shanglin.) (Chapter 1) (This is the most important reading material this week, read it carefully! After reading it, you can buy the whole book yourself Look. This book can be regarded as the most important teaching material for the three-year (first professional degree) internship course at the Yale School of Architecture in the United States in the late 1970s. It is also a preparation for modern architecture represented by Bauhaus. Basic design of the college
The product of a radical rethinking of teaching. )
 Barthes, Roland, 1964. “The Eiffel Tower”, in Roland Barthes, 1979, The Eiffel Tower and Other Mythologies, New York: Hill and Wang, pp.3-17. (Chinese translation, translated by Li Youzheng, “Eiffel Tower”) "Earth Tower", "Zero Degree of Writing", Taipei: Times Culture, pp. 156-168.)
 Berger, John, 1972 Ways of Seeing, London: BBC & Penguin Books. (Chinese translation: Translated by Chen Zhiwu, "Ways of Seeing", Taipei: Mingwen Publishing House)
 Xia Zhujiu, 2010, “Discussing Architecture with National Taiwan University Students”. (The original article before revision was published in: Xia Zhujiu, 2008, "Talk about Architecture with Middle School Students", "United Daily News", March 9.
 Harvey, David, 1986. "The Essential and Vernacular Landscape", Design Book Review, No.10, Fall, pp.13-17. (with Chinese translation, translated by Zhang Jingsen), "The Essential and Vernacular Landscape".
 Sennet, Richard1994, Flech and Stone: the Body and the City in the Western Civilization, Norton Press. (Chinese translation: Huang Yuwen, "Flesh and Stone: The Human Body and the City in Western Civilization", Taipei: Wheatfield Press.
 Wolfe, Tom 1981, From Bauhaus to Our House, Farrar, Straus & Giroux Press (Chinese translation: Zhu Zhonghua/Wang Yu, "From Bauhaus to Our House: The Ins and Outs of Modern Architecture", Taipei: Shanglin Press . )
 Lin Huiyin, 1934, "Introduction" to "Principles of Qing Style Construction". (Important, classic work, must know it.)
 Castells, Manuel, 1992. “The Space of Flows: A Theory of Space in the Informational City”, paper presented on conference of “The New Urbanism”, Princeton University, Oct. (with Chinese translation, translated by Wang Zhihong, “Flowing Space” :Spatial Theory of Information Society", "City and Design", Issue 1.)
 Harvey, David, 2001. "On Architects, Bees, and 'Species Being'", in Spaces of Hope, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp.199-212. Existence'", translated by Wang Zhihong. (The author's discussion is no longer just about architects, but it is very helpful to reflect on the role of architects.)
 Lynch, Kevin, 1960. The Image of the City, Cambridge, Ma.: The MIT Press. (Chinese translation, translated by Song Boqin, "Urban Image", Taipei: Tailong.) (Chapter 1, Chapter 3) (Important, classic work.)
 Lynch, Kevin, 1980. "City Design: What is it and How it Might be Taught?" Urban Design International, Vol.1, No.2, pp.48-49, 52-53. (Chinese translation available, pray Translated by Baozhong, "Urban Design─What is it? How to teach it

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/8,9[AG101]
授課教師 Teacher:郭奇正
修課班級 Class:建築系1
選課備註 Memo:輔系必修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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