course information of 109 - 1 | 2475 Orchestral Excerpts:Woodwind(樂團片段:木管)

2475 - 樂團片段:木管 Orchestral Excerpts:Woodwind

教育目標 Course Target

本課程目標是為音樂系的木管組學生(flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and saxophone)建立良好的樂團演奏的基本概念、針對各時期樂團片段研習—節奏、音準、音色、樂句、強弱奏、抖音的運用及音樂詮釋等,並且有不同版本的比較與勘誤,提升觀察及鑑賞能力,更培養獨立思考及批判能力,同時針對考樂團的自選或指定曲的實作指導(如莫札特協奏曲),期中與期末的模擬考試增加學生實戰經驗,再加上輔導當學期學校樂團曲目的木管分部,讓學生可學以致用希望有更完善的期末呈現。 此樂團片段專題研習,以期提升學生樂器演奏的技術,針對重要獨奏片段的音樂風格掌握,分部練習的排練技巧,加上樂團模擬考試,為有志進入職業樂團或是帶領樂團分部的職涯做準備。 The purpose of this course is for woodwind students (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and saxophone) Establish a good basic concept of musical performance, study and study the musical segments of various periods—rhythm, musical, timbre, verse, strong music, Douyin’s use and musical commentary, etc., and there are different versions of comparison and errors to improve observation and evaluation skills, and cultivate independent thinking. The ability to test and critically, and at the same time, the practical guidance of the self-selected or designated music of the examination group (such as the Mozart concerto), the mid-term and final simulation exams increase students' practical experience, and the woodpipe branch of the school group's repertoire during the course of the study can allow students to learn and apply, hoping to have a more complete final presentation. This group clip special study aims to improve students' musical instrument performance skills, master the music style of important solo clips, train the training skills of branch training, and prepare for careers that are aspiring to enter a professional group or lead the group branch.

參考書目 Reference Books

Jeanne Baxtresser: Orchestral Excerpts for Flute
Jeanne Baxtresser: Great Flute Duos from the Orchestral Repertoire
Orchestral Excerpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for Clarinet, International Music Company
Heinz Hepp, Albert Rohde: Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions: Audition Excerpts from the Concert and Operatic Repertoire

Jeanne Baxtresser: Orchestral Excelpts for Flute
Jeanne Baxtresser: Great Flute Duos from the Orchestral Repertoire
Orchestral Excelpts from the Symphonic Repertoire for Clarinet, International Music Company
Heinz Hepp, Albert Rohde: Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions: Audition Excelpts from the Concert and Operatic Repertoire

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and class performance
Personal reports and sub-group presentations
Midterm exam
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/9,10[MU319]
授課教師 Teacher:田永年/邱佩珊
修課班級 Class:音樂系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 15 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 15 人。

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