course information of 109 - 1 | 2387 Chinese Calligraphy (I)(書法(一))

2387 - 書法(一) Chinese Calligraphy (I)

教育目標 Course Target

一、對於書寫技法運用的概述,並從運筆法則、入筆角度、傳移摹寫的運用與思審,引導學生認知書寫過程從單字間架到通幅行氣、佈局法則的權變關係。 二、課程中能培養書體風格演變、書法品評的知識及基礎的鑑賞能力,以體會書法之美。 三、課程進度區分如下: A、透過秦、漢碑學的練習,理解書法基本材料、用筆、墨法、間架,並嘗試從漢碑中理解「隸書」書體的風格演化。 B、理解三國、魏晉以後書法風貌,主要以魏、隋碑刻的楷法基礎,理解其影響唐代書風的表現與聯繫。1. An overview of the use of writing techniques, and from the rules of writing, the angle of writing, the use and reflection of transfer copying, students will be guided to understand the contingency relationship of the writing process from the frame between individual words to the overall flow and layout rules. 2. The course can cultivate the knowledge of calligraphy style evolution, calligraphy evaluation and basic appreciation skills, so as to appreciate the beauty of calligraphy. 3. The course progress is divided as follows: A. Through the practice of Qin and Han stele studies, understand the basic materials of calligraphy, the use of brushes, ink techniques, and frames, and try to understand the style evolution of "official script" calligraphy from Han stele. B. To understand the style of calligraphy after the Three Kingdoms and the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it is mainly based on the regular script of Wei and Sui inscriptions, and understand the expression and connection of its influence on the calligraphy style of the Tang Dynasty.

課程概述 Course Description

The course focuses on the understanding and writing skills of various calligraphy styles, and can establish the essentials of their basic application through basic copying and appreciation of various calligraphy styles.

參考書目 Reference Books

1、季崇建 《書法》 台北:渡假出版社 1995。
3、張遷碑(明拓本) 劉文華、薛海洋編 中國:河南美術出版社 2007
4、張遷碑 中國法書選9 日本:二玄社出版 1990 (本版本已由大陸印刷)
1. Ji Chongjian, "Calligraphy", Taipei: Holiday Publishing House, 1995.
2. Course handout materials: major calligraphy models such as oracle bones, bronze inscriptions, large and small seal scripts, and official script. The self-pay photocopying fee is about 100 yuan.
3. Zhang Qian Stele (Ming rubbings) compiled by Liu Wenhua and Xue Haiyang, China: Henan Fine Arts Publishing House 2007
4. Zhang Qian’s Monument, Selected Chinese Dharma Books 9, Japan: Published by Ergenshe 1990 (This version has been printed in mainland China)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
30 依規定繳交臨摹練習作品
final exam
30 期末考試或臨摹作品:臨摹練習,全本張遷碑依規定格式於期末繳交
Regular attendance and homework assignments must be submitted on time
40 課程依規定點名,無故缺課三次以上(含)扣考

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[FA208]
授課教師 Teacher:魯漢平
修課班級 Class:美術系3
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 32 人。

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