course information of 109 - 1 | 2371 Drawing(專題素描)

2371 - 專題素描 Drawing

教育目標 Course Target

第一學期將以客觀人體形象為主,藉由技術性的掌握來建構第二學期個人主題創造的基礎。其本學期課程內容分別為:繪畫發展的人體型態(理論)、幾何人體(體的空間性存在)、人的輪廓線(羅丹素描)與模特兒觀察與寫生。 學期目表為完成一件具有空間存在感的雙人圖像,以此掌握個人對人體形象之觀察與表現。實際繪畫原則與類型分別是:「細部觀看」、「整體安排」與「現場寫生」。故此,課程將透過不同主題之設定,在繪製的操作經驗上進行觀察比較與討論,進而培養個人的思想性圖像表達。In the first period, the image of the object will be mainly based on the image of the object, and through technical mastery, the foundation for the creation of personal themes in the second period will be constructed. The contents of the courses in this study are: the human body shape (theory), how many people (the spatial existence of the body), the human wheel (Rodan sketch), and model observation and writing. The study period is to complete a double image with a sense of spatial presence, so as to grasp the observation and expression of personal image. The principles and types of actual paintings are: "detailed viewing", "overall arrangement" and "on-site writing". Therefore, the course will observe and discuss the operation experience of the drawing through different topics, thereby cultivating personal ideological image expression.

課程概述 Course Description

Use sketching as the possibility of development, and understand the manifested form, media and the originality of the creator, so as to have the ability to ask for self-question.

參考書目 Reference Books

羅丹口述,Paul Gsell書寫:《羅丹藝術論》雄獅美術,1993。
Ulis Zarins、Sandis Kondrats著,黃宛瑜譯:《藝用3D人體解剖書》,新北市:遠足文化,2017。Marc Le Bot著,湯皇珍譯:《身體的意象》,台北:遠流,1996。

Rodan oral, written by Paul Gsell: "Rodan Art Discourse" Lion Art, 1993.
By Ulis Zarins and Sandis Kondrats, Huang Wanyu translated: "Anatomy of Arts with 3D Human Body", New Taipei City: Far-foot Culture, 2017. By Marc Le Bot, Reprinted by Emperor Tom: "Image of the Body", Taipei: Far, 1996.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course Participation
Midterm reviews
Final reviews

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[FA101]
授課教師 Teacher:羅頌恩
修課班級 Class:美術系2
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 54 人。

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