course information of 109 - 1 | 2055 Caring Service Learning(關懷服務學習)

2055 - 關懷服務學習 Caring Service Learning

教育目標 Course Target

社會工作作為訓練專業性助人的學門,有別於單純的慈善助人,旨在培養助人工作者「能夠也願意關懷、服務並終身學習」的態度,並且訓練社工學生從to care到to serve的歷程中,透過反思與反身的能力訓練獲得to learn的展現,並在這往復的過程中增強評估與服務能力,以突顯出社會工作助人的專業性。 本課程希望幫助學生從大一開始就累積這樣的能力,培養學生關懷人群、關懷社區,樂於服務的態度,並透過本課程,認識未來服務族群之特質,體認關懷社會應具有之觀念與方法,以及對於社會議題的多元化思考、培養領導與執行計畫之能力。 
第一~五週課程重點為認識自己(包括個人及其環境),了解關懷服務的目的及如何開始去做關懷服務,透過課程學習中理解社會工作的助人特質及其展現的特殊性,能從服務對象了解、發掘需求或問題、再到發展策略、著手介入的過程體悟社會工作的助人專業性之呈現。 第六~十四週課程重點為分組討論有感的議題,並能透過資料蒐集認識自己所關心的議題。 
第十五週~第十八週的重點分組進行社群服務的設計,並能將觀察、蒐集的資訊結合各自所發想設計的服務策略擬定執行的計畫。As a discipline that trains professional helping people, social work is different from simple charity helping. It aims to cultivate the attitude of helping workers "being able and willing to care, serve and learn for life", and to train social work students from to care to to serve. In the process, to learn is demonstrated through reflection and reflexive ability training, and assessment and service abilities are enhanced in this back-and-forth process to highlight the professionalism of social work in helping people. This course hopes to help students accumulate such abilities from the beginning of their freshman year, and cultivate students' attitudes of caring for people, caring for the community, and being willing to serve. Through this course, students will understand the characteristics of future service groups and understand the concepts and methods they should have to care for society. , as well as diversified thinking on social issues, cultivating the ability to lead and execute plans. The first to five weeks of the course focus on understanding yourself (including individuals and their environment), understanding the purpose of caring services and how to start caring services. Through the course study, you can understand the helping characteristics of social work and the particularity of it, and be able to learn from it. The process of service recipients understanding and discovering needs or problems, developing strategies, and initiating intervention demonstrates the presentation of the professionalism of helping people in social work. The focus of the sixth to fourteenth week of the course is group discussions on issues of concern, and the ability to understand issues of concern through data collection. From the 15th to the 18th week, the key groups are engaged in the design of community services, and can combine the observed and collected information with the service strategies they have devised and designed to formulate and implement plans.

參考書目 Reference Books




Compiled by Gan Bingguang, Chen Weidao and Wen Jinyan. 2007. Keeping the Faith: 30 Letters to Social Work Students. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
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評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class attendance
class participation
10 課堂討論、題問、服務等
individual assignment
40 最少4篇,依課程進度調整,增加必交之作業
group work
40 關懷服務設計報告,口頭報告+紙本作業

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-2056 Caring Service Learning / 關懷服務學習 (社工系1B,授課教師:張昆新,一/2,3,4[C220])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[SS102]
授課教師 Teacher:邱方昱
修課班級 Class:社工系1A
選課備註 Memo:預選限一A ;不開放推廣部附讀
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 68 人。

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