course information of 109 - 1 | 1964 How to Be an Anti-capitalist in the 21th Century(如何在21世紀反對資本主義)

1964 - 如何在21世紀反對資本主義 How to Be an Anti-capitalist in the 21th Century

教育目標 Course Target

真實烏托邦?有沒有搞錯?沒錯!本課程的主要目的即是要探討未來真實烏托邦的追尋及其基進的社會學想像。烏托邦一詞,自從Moore的《烏托邦》一書以來,即成為對未來不可能實現理想的海市蜃樓之代名詞,因而烏托邦一詞乃帶有荒誕不經、空中樓閣的貶斥意味,甚至到George Orwell 《1984》一書中更出現「反烏托邦」(dystopia)一詞。「烏托邦」這個詞由兩個希臘語的詞根組成:「沒有」(ou)和「地方、所處」(dopos),在拉丁文中是「子虛烏有之鄉」或「不存在的地方」之意。同時,因為「ou」與「eu」(美好)諧音,所以烏托邦一詞就兼有理想、美好、虛幻、飄邈兩方面的涵義,而展開了烏托邦論述的傳統。此傳統著眼於人的集體存在模式,是「真理」、「正義」、「自由」、「善良」、「幸福」等等的化身,深刻表達了人類企求解決矛盾,建立一個穩定、統一的理想社會之願望。然而,烏托邦一詞也同時具有批判和嘲諷之意,成了「空想」、「不切實際」的代名詞。如我們所知的,Marx即以「烏托邦的社會主義」來嘲諷同時代的社會主義者,並宣稱他自己的理論學說才是「科學的社會主義」。因此,烏托邦一詞就像希臘的雙面神Janus一樣,表達了「美好的願望而沒有現實基礎」之困惑,揭示了理想與現實,此一人類始終面對的基本矛盾。 烏托邦論述形構的系譜學考察,最遠可回溯至公元前八世紀的希伯來先知,和古希臘哲學家的Plato的《理想國》,至Moore的《烏托邦》(1516)達到一個高峰之後,如Rabelais的《巨人傳》、Swift《格列佛遊記》等也都具有烏托邦的要素。另一方面,則有Huxley的《美麗新世界》(1932)及《美麗新世界的再訪》,George Orwell 《1984》(1949)等書所構成的反烏托邦傳統。如果說烏托邦作家以構想美好的社會理論為特點,那麼反烏托邦作家通常不是從社會集體理想,而是從個人理想出發,強調個體性,以維護人的基本人權和拯救人性尊嚴為目的,反烏托邦作家能冷靜地、理智地直面理想與現實的落差,並且企圖拉進和弭合幻想世界與現實世界的時空距離。本課程的中心主旨「真實的烏托邦」,試圖在烏托邦和反烏托邦的對立、並置、矛盾的內在張力中,以社會學的基進想像去追尋一個更符合公義、更平等、更具有「進步」價值的未來社會,此為「真實烏托邦」的烏托邦面向。再者,之所以稱此烏托邦為真實之原因,即在於此烏托邦之基進想像並非無根或空談的浪漫夢囈,而是植基於我們所身處當下的現實為出發點,進行大膽和有創意的社會創新與制度安排/設計,一方面擘畫出未來的遠景;另一方面則提出可行的、可企及的、「由此至彼」的實踐綱領。 循此,本課程將由兩個主要的部分構成:前半部是價值層次的釐清,並以「正義」作為焦點去探討政治哲學中諸神交戰般的道德兩難(譬如自由優位性或平等優位性之論爭、自由主義或社群主義之攻防等)。從政治哲學面切入,探討當今我們所面對的法律或政治上的論戰,要強調的是,價值層面的討論涉及每個人所自覺或不自覺的成見和信念。為了免於參與同學流於立場表述的意氣之爭,本課程希望能打造出彼此互相尊重的道德對話,把理性帶進公共領域,本課程的目的之一正是要參與者進行自我檢視,釐清自己抱持哪些價值信念,和何以抱持這些信念。在此理性思辯下,一個開放和平等的民主對話方有可能和提升,而非僅停留在彼此互嗆的硝煙中。在釐清政治哲學中對正義不同學派之爭論後,本課程將進一步討論Erik Olin Wright在其所編輯的The Real Utopia Project中所提出的系列方案綱領之可行性、其價值根源之所在等議題。 Real Utopia? Are there any mistakes? That's right! The main purpose of this course is to explore the pursuit of the real Utopia in the future and its underlying social imagination. The Utopia word has become synonymous with the mirage that will not be able to realize the ideal future. Therefore, the Utopia word has a naive and unrepulsive meaning of the sky, and even the word "dystopia" appears in George Orwell's book "1984". The word "Utopia" consists of two Greek lyrics: "no" (ou) and "place, dopos), which means "a town of the son who has no existence" or "a place that does not exist" in Latin. At the same time, because "ou" and "eu" (beautiful), the Utopian lyrics have two meanings: ideal, beauty, illusion, and faraway, and develops the tradition of Utopian essays. This tradition looks at the collective existence model of people, and is the embodiment of "truth", "rightness", "freedom", "goodness", "happiness", etc., which deeply expresses the human desire to resolve contradictions and establish a stable and unified ideal society. However, the Utopian word also has criticism and ridicule, and has become synonymous with "imagination" and "unrealistic". As we know, Marx uses "Utopian socialism" to mock the socialist of the same era and declare his own theory as "scientific socialism." Therefore, the Utopian word, like the Greek double god Janus, expresses the confusion of "beautiful desire without real foundation", reveals the basic contradiction between ideals and reality, which is always facing this type of person. The systematic study of Utopian descriptive forms can be traced back to the Hebrew prophets of the 8th Celtic BC, and Plato's "Ideal" by the ancient Greek philosopher, and after reaching a peak in Moore's "Utopian" (1516), such as Rabelais' "Giant" and Swift's "Gulliver's Game" also have Utopian elements. On the other hand, there are antitopian traditions formed by Huxley's "A New World of Beauty" (1932), "A New World of Beauty" and George Orwell's "1984" (1949). If Utopian writers are characterized by the idea of ​​a good social theory, then anti-Utopian writers usually develop from social collective ideals, but from personal ideals, strengthen individuality, and aim to maintain people's basic human rights and save human respect. Anti-Utopian writers can face the gap between ideals and reality calmly and rationally, and also plan to expand and resolve the time and space distance between the fantasy world and the real world. The central theme of this course is "Real Utopia". In the opposition, arrangement and contradiction between Utopia and anti-Utopia, we can pursue a future society that is more in line with justice, more equal, and more "progressive" value with the basic imagination of social science. This is the Utopia aspect of "Real Utopia". Furthermore, the reason why this Utopia is called true is that the basic imagination of this Utopia is not a rootless or empty romantic dream, but is based on the actual development point where we are, conducting bold and creative social innovation and institutional arrangements/designs, on the one hand, it draws out the future prospects; on the other hand, it proposes feasible, reachable, and "from one to another". Following this, this course will consist of two main parts: the first half is the clearing of the value level, and the focus is on exploring the moral difficulties of God-like war in political philosophy (such as the arguments of freedom or equality, the offense and defense of liberalism or communityism, etc.). From the perspective of political philosophy and exploring the legal or political arguments we face today, it is important to emphasize that discussions on the value level involve the achievements and beliefs that everyone feels or does not think of. In order to avoid participating in the atmosphere of being expressed in a stand-alone manner with classmates, this course hopes to create a moral dialogue that respects each other and brings reason into the public domain. One of the purposes of this course is to examine the participants themselves, clarify what value beliefs they hold, and why they hold these beliefs. Under this rational thinking, an open and equal democratic dialogue has the possibility and improvement, rather than just staying in mutual nitroscopic smoke. After controversy over different schools of righteousness in Qingqing political philosophy, this course will further discuss the feasibility of the series of proposals proposed by Erik Olin Wright in the edited The Real Utopia Project and the root of its value.

參考書目 Reference Books

● Erik Wright著,陸先恒、馬家輝譯,1994,<墜入馬克思主義、選擇留在馬克思主義陣營>,收錄於<當代雜誌>104期。
● Wright, Erik Olin. 2010. Envisioning Real Utopias. Lodon·New York:Verso Press.(中譯本:Erik Olin Wright著,黃克先譯,2015,《真實烏托邦》。新北市:群學。
● Wright, Erik Olin. 2019. How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century. Lodon·New York:Verso Press.(中譯本:Erik Olin Wright著,陳信宏譯,2020,《如何在21世紀反對資本主義》。新北市:群學。


● 《寄生上流》
● 《摩登時代》
● 《大都會》
● 《56 up》
● 《美國工廠》

● Erik Wright, translated by Shu Xianheng and Ma Jiahui, 1994, , and was included in Issue 104.
● Wright, Erik Olin. 2010. Envisioning Real Utopias. Lodon·New York: Verso Press. (Chinese translation: by Erik Olin Wright, Huang Kexian, 2015, "Real Utopia". New Taipei City: Groups.
● Wright, Erik Olin. 2019. How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century. Lodon·New York: Verso Press. (Chinese translation: by Erik Olin Wright, Chen Xinmao, 2020, "How to Oppose Capitalism in the 21st Century". New Taipei City: Groups.


● "Parasite High"
● "Modern Age"
● "Metropolis"
● "56 up"
● "American Factory"

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:黃崇憲
修課班級 Class:社會系2-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。通識3202課程雙掛,通識10人。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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