course information of 109 - 1 | 1954 Literature and Society: The Dream of the Red Chambers(文學與社會:《紅樓夢》)

1954 - 文學與社會:《紅樓夢》 Literature and Society: The Dream of the Red Chambers

教育目標 Course Target

在《紅樓夢》的卷首,作者曹雪芹夫子自況般地評價自己的作品:「滿紙荒唐言,一把辛酸淚;都云作者癡,誰解其中味」。誠哉斯言,此簡潔俐落的二十個字,大概是古今中外文學史中無出其右的精準自評,將《紅樓夢》的內容、作者的寫作心態、人生的酸甜苦辣,都展現出來。歷來圍繞著此近三百年前寫就的經典之考證、索隱與詮釋不知凡幾,形成了所謂的「紅學」。如果說《水滸傳》是一部怒書,《金瓶梅》是謗書,《儒林外史》為牢騷之書,則《紅樓夢》乃是一部悟書,其所遇之人皆閱歷之人,其所敘之事皆閱歷之事,其所寫之情皆閱歷之情。究其實,《紅樓夢》可被視為一精彩「自我社會誌」的偉大小說形式之藝術展演,曹雪芹在歷經人生缺陷逼仄、舊歡難拾、身世飄零、悔恨無從、付諸一哭,發而為文,以力求解脫,《紅樓夢》一書的確是曹雪芹閱歷感悟人生之辛苦結晶,「悲涼之霧,遍被華林」(魯迅語)。殊為遺憾的是「千古文章未盡才」,曹雪芹只完成前八十回,後四十回由高鶚所續,然仍不礙其為未完成之巨著。 《紅樓夢》是一首無韻的《離騷》;也是一部「說」家之千古絕唱;更是對一個封建黑暗王國的「現象學式還原」,是一首封建制度和封建貴族世家的輓歌,交織著人生的痛苦和歡樂、憂愁和哀傷、繁華和零落、正直和邪惡、愛情和淫欲,以及權勢者的專橫霸道和「被侮辱與被損害者」的呻吟之現世相。曹雪芹以如椽之筆為末世的封建社會描繪了一幅精確而生動的工筆畫,《紅樓夢》更是一曲淒美的青春、愛情和理想的頌歌,對其所身處之社會,從它的社會制度到全部「上層建築」做了深情的回眸與定格。 庭院深深,本課程無法透過有限的學期課程盡覽《紅樓夢》既浩瀚又幽深的風景,只但求充當一個盡職合格的導遊,將《紅樓夢》視為一生命的大書,進行生命的對話,力求做到閱讀與生命之有機連結。此外,作為問石之路的初步嘗試,本課程也企圖以文學社會學的敏感與理論視野將《紅樓夢》拆解為五條主要軸線,進行解讀與詮釋:人生本體論、社會生活史記、眾生相人物誌、「詩意栖居」認識論、「以情悟道」認識論,和情欲微物論。 詳細課綱請參見:東海大學社會系網 In the first volume of "Dream of Red Mansions", the author Cao Xueqin commented on his work personally: "The paper is full of absurd words and a handful of bitter tears; it is said that the author is crazy, who can understand the meaning of it." To be honest, these twenty concise words are probably an accurate self-evaluation unparalleled in the history of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literature. They reveal the content of "Dream of Red Mansions", the author's writing mentality, and the ups and downs of life. The so-called "Redology" has always been formed around the textual research, exploration and interpretation of this classic written nearly three hundred years ago. If "Water Margin" is a book of anger, "Jin Ping Mei" is a book of slander, and "The Scholars" is a book of complaints, then "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a book of enlightenment, and everyone it meets is a person who has experienced it. The things he narrates are all things he has experienced, and the feelings he writes are all the emotions he has experienced. In fact, "A Dream of Red Mansions" can be regarded as an artistic performance in the form of a wonderful "auto-social history" in the form of a great novel. Cao Xueqin experienced the shortcomings of life, the difficulty of regaining old happiness, the loss of life, no regrets, and crying. The book "A Dream of Red Mansions" is indeed the fruit of Cao Xueqin's painstaking experience and understanding of life. "The mist of sadness is all over Hualin" (Lu Xun said). It is a pity that "the talents of thousands of articles have not been exhausted". Cao Xueqin only completed the first eighty chapters, and the last forty chapters were continued by Gao E. However, this still does not prevent it from being an unfinished masterpiece. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a rhymeless "Li Sao"; it is also an eternal masterpiece of the "Speaking" family; it is also a "phenomenological restoration" of a feudal dark kingdom; it is an elegy for the feudal system and the feudal aristocratic family. Intertwined are the pain and joy of life, sorrow and grief, prosperity and fragmentation, integrity and evil, love and lust, as well as the tyranny of the powerful and the groans of the "insulted and harmed". Cao Xueqin painted a precise and vivid meticulous painting of the feudal society at the end of the world with a brush like rafters. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is a poignant ode to youth, love and ideals. The social system and the entire "superstructure" are reviewed and frozen with affection. The courtyard is deep. This course cannot fully appreciate the vast and profound scenery of "Dream of Red Mansions" through limited semester courses. It only seeks to serve as a dutiful and qualified tour guide, treating "Dream of Red Mansions" as a big book of life and having a dialogue about life. , striving to achieve an organic connection between reading and life. In addition, as a preliminary attempt to explore the path of stone inquiry, this course also attempts to break down "A Dream of Red Mansions" into five main axes for interpretation and interpretation with the sensitivity and theoretical perspective of literary sociology: life ontology, social life history, and all living beings and characters. Zhi, the epistemology of "poetic dwelling", the epistemology of "enlightenment through emotion", and the theory of small things of desire. For detailed syllabus, please see: Tunghai University Social Studies Department website

參考書目 Reference Books

Original work by Cao Xueqin and Gao E, edited by Xu Shaozhi and others, 2018. "New Notes on a Dream of Red Mansions". Taipei: Liren.

評分方式 Grading

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Assignment 1
Class discussion
group report
issue memoissue memo
issue memo

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[SS322]
授課教師 Teacher:黃崇憲
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
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