course information of 109 - 1 | 1953 Art and Social Development(藝術與社會發展)

1953 - 藝術與社會發展 Art and Social Development

教育目標 Course Target

社會學研究主要在考察人類社會的集體現象,系統制度的運作,行動者的邏輯,文化意義的詮釋,以及整體社會發展與變遷過程。本課程將思考藝術如何讓我們更好地理解台灣的社會發展現象?在台灣的現代化經驗中,以國家領導的工業化,產業資本發展為導向的社會架構下,行動者如何認識、理解、接受藝術的意義與價值?並以各種藝術形式與社會介入的概念,以及社會行動者的藝術創作、藝術接受過程,考察晚近藝術與社會發展的經驗。 課程的問題意識討論,一方面,從結構主義的觀點來看,藝術,在人類社會中作為一種集體現象,廣泛地受到一個社會的文化、政治經濟脈絡所影響,傳統上來說,藝術幾乎是受社會結構制約下的產物。然而另一方面,我們也將同時考察行動者的邏輯,問題不再限於什麼是藝術,而是藝術對行為者所代表的意義。我們將思考一系列研究人類如何持續創造意義的進程,為什麼在某個時期,一些事物會被定義為「藝術」,一些人被稱之為「藝術家」,而其他的人事物則不被包含在內。另一方面,我們也將同時考察,不同的行動者如何接受藝術?為什麼人類對於藝術的詮釋持續地產生變化?以及這樣的意義典範轉變,又對社會發展帶來什麼樣的效應並實踐出新的社會價值? Sociological research mainly examines the collective phenomena of human society, the operation of systems, the logic of actors, the interpretation of cultural meanings, and the overall social development and change process. This course will consider how art can help us better understand the social development phenomenon in Taiwan? In Taiwan's modernization experience, under the social structure oriented by state-led industrialization and industrial capital development, how do actors recognize, understand, and accept the meaning and value of art? It also examines the recent experience of art and social development through the concepts of various art forms and social intervention, as well as the artistic creation and art acceptance processes of social actors. Discussion of the course's problem awareness. On the one hand, from a structuralist point of view, art, as a collective phenomenon in human society, is widely affected by the cultural and political economic context of a society. Traditionally, art is almost always affected by A product of the constraints of social structure. However, on the other hand, we will also examine the logic of actors at the same time. The question is no longer limited to what art is, but what art represents to actors. We will consider a range of processes that examine how humans continue to create meaning, and why, at a certain time, some things are defined as "art", some people are called "artists", and others are not. within. On the other hand, we will also examine how different actors accept art. Why do humans’ interpretations of art continue to change? And what effect does this paradigm shift of meaning have on social development and create new social values?

參考書目 Reference Books

Alexander, Victoria, D.著,章浩,沈楊譯, 2013,⟪藝術社會學⟫。南京:江蘇美術出版社。
Heinich, Nathalie著,何蒨譯,2016,⟪藝術為社會學帶來什麼⟫。上海:華東師範大學出版社。
Koren, Leonard著,王年愷譯,2019,⟪藝術家在做什麼?⟫。台北:行人文化實驗室。
Foucault, Michel著,謝強,馬月譯,2009,⟪馬奈的繪畫⟫。長沙:湖南教育出版社。
Berger, John著,戴行鋮譯,2009,⟪觀看之道⟫。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社。
Berger, John著,連德誠譯,2007,⟪畢加索的成敗⟫。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社。
Benjamin, Walter著,許綺玲譯,1998,⟪迎向靈光消逝的年代⟫。台北:台灣攝影工作室。
Marcuse, Herbert著,劉繼譯,2006,⟪單向度的人⟫。上海:上海譯文出版社。


Zhou Lingzhi, 2012, ⟪Artistic imagination and practice of ecological sustainability⟫. Taipei: Southern Home Culture Publishing House.
Written by Alexander, Victoria, D., translated by Zhang Hao and Shen Yang, 2013, ⟪Sociology of Art⟫. Nanjing: Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House.
Heinich, Nathalie, translated by He Qian, 2016, ⟪What Art Brings to Sociology⟫. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
Koren, Leonard, translated by Wang Niankai, 2019, ⟪What is the artist doing? ⟫. Taipei: Pedestrian Culture Laboratory.
Foucault, Michel, translated by Xie Qiang and Ma Yue, 2009, "Manet's Paintings". Changsha: Hunan Education Press.
Berger, John, translated by Dai Xingcheng, 2009, "The Way of Seeing". Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.
Berger, John, translated by Lien Decheng, 2007, "The Success and Failure of Picasso". Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.
Written by Benjamin, Walter, translated by Xu Qiling, 1998, ⟪Facing the Era of the Fading Aura⟫. Taipei: Taiwan Photography Studio.
Marcuse, Herbert, translated by Liu Ji, 2006, ⟪One-dimensional Man⟫. Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House.

Reference video
"The Accusation of Famous Paintings"
"Abstract" Documentary

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
course discussion
midterm assignment
final assignment

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4[C221]
授課教師 Teacher:魏少君
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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