course information of 109 - 1 | 1951 Race War(種族戰爭)

1951 - 種族戰爭 Race War

教育目標 Course Target

這是一個文明、理性、現代性的時代,也是一個種族、民族和宗教自相殘殺的時代,在種族極端歧視、宗教基本教義和生存競爭壓迫的諸多因素下,人類的集體屠殺和迫害,接續不斷,至今不絕,它已構持我們歷史的一部分。種族永遠是一場持續不斷的戰爭,種族的外部清洗,內部殖民,種族與種族間的戰爭,種族主義與反種族主義的鬥爭,從來都是人類文明的主題,而人類如何對抗自己的種族偏見與自身的種族歧視戰爭,更是今後人類文明必需共同面對和處理的課題。 在種族仇恨和種族烽火仍蔓延不休的今日,我們有必要深入歴史現場,透過時間縱深向度,理解古今種族屠殺、戰爭的外在脈絡、內在結構、構成屠殺可能的條件以及如何迴避的方式。種族歧視、衝突以致更激烈的滅絕屠殺或戰爭行為,伴隨人類文明發展,早期較重要如歐洲征服新世界,美國、澳洲對原住民的以及白人殖民者對非洲的屠殺。而至二十紀初第一起大規模種族滅絕事件的亞美尼亞大屠殺,到構成人類集體創傷和無盡反思納粹大屠殺,使得「人為、系統性、有計劃對某一個或一些種族、民族、宗教或國民團體進行全體性或局部性的屠殺」 的「種族滅絕」 (genocide)字眼正式浮上檯面,伴隨戰爭成為國際性議題。納粹對猶太人的滅絕行動,更是一場既具獨特性也具常態性大屠殺,就某一方面而言是獨一無二的,但其做為種族滅絕的案例卻非獨一無二,因為距今尚不遠的南斯拉夫和盧安達的血腥種族清洗的出現,在在說明了種族衝突和屠殺滅絕已成為當代社會的常態議題和我們文明的一部份。粗估二十世紀因種族衝突死亡人數達七千萬人之多。 種族歧視如何形成,如何導致種族衝突的發生,又如何走到極端的蓄意性的屠殺和清洗,這種種族滅絕行動又有何特色,它跟我們的文明、現代性或民主有何關係?正是關鍵之所在。殂歷史中我們見證種族偏見如何助長衝突暴行,暴行怒火又如何挑起更嚴重的種族仇恨和屠殺。即便戰爭結束,但種族主義意識型態並未消失,反而深根于現代性社會,隨時伺機再起戰火。其問題根源複雜糾葛,涉面廣泛,如杜博依斯(Du Bois)指出:「二十世紀的問題乃是以膚色分界的問題」。當代著名社會學家Bauman則從屠殺的運作過程指出,納粹種族大屠殺的根源正是人類的理性和現代性,就是我們據以生活的文明。現代性弔詭的成為大納粹殺的歷史條件,也開啟了大屠殺的本質及其與文明、理性、現代性關係的思考。另一位社會學家Michael Mann也指出種族清洗是現代大惡之一。猶太大屠殺蓄意性的種族清洗是現代現象,這類蓄意性的種族清洗和淨化放在當前脈絡構成了民主的陰暗面,是民主時代一大危機。這些種族衝突和清洗行為不是外生的,它屬於我們文明和我們自身。 分析當前種族衝突,往往與宗教衝突交織在一起,族群差異與社會差異糾纏在一起,種族衝突和階級衝突相互激發。它還涉及殖民/反殖民/內部殖民等因素。二十世紀一些有預謀的種族滅絕更是打著實現國家新秩序計劃而行或是利用種族主義做為戰爭工具。這些種族衝突引發的戰爭不少屬於內戰,衝突甚至起於幾乎不可見的差別,屠殺對象不只是與你相異的人,更是與你相似者,同化者才是最可怕的敵人。交戰雙方虛構了民族的神話和歷史,合理化衝突淨化行為,因此大多數種族暴力產生於社群內部,而非社群之間;而大規模殺害行動的執行者也大都是平凡正常的人。這是當代種族衝突的特性之一,普通人如何成為惡魔。 更進一步分析當代種族衝突發生原因則涉及到:相互競爭主權、民主或威權體制、國家統一或分歧、國家衰弱和派系分裂、資源分配不均、階級/種族的差異、極端加害者的互動造成激化衝突等因素。 在上述問題脈絡下,本課程將透過種族主義概念和源流的探索,深入種族歧視的根源:人種分類、膚色如何成為種族界、歧視界限的黑色問題;黑色身體如何構成為社會威脅以及黑人的外在處境和內在生活。接著上溯歷史種族屠殺的特性,下探當代種族屠殺與現代性關係,並涉入二十世紀之前的美洲、非洲殖民、原住民屠殺的歴史事實,同時探討亞洲/太平洋地區,日本如何以種族主義之名發起侵略戰爭,並合理化自身的殖民掠奪政策,「種族」如何成為挪用的工具,在戰爭中扮演關鍵角色。最後進入當代種族衝突世界,透過幾起重大的典範事件:亞美尼亞、納粹屠猶、南斯拉夫、盧安達的種族滅絕和淨化事件探討種族衝突的肇因、形成的過程、擴大的要素以及產生的特性和效應。同時也提供促成屠殺可能的條件以及如何化解種族衝突,避免種族滅絕發生的作為,是本課程的目的;人生而不同,但生而平等,是現代公民必有的認知和公民權利的體現,則是本課程最終關懷。 This is an era of civilization, rationality, and modernity. It is also an era of racial, ethnic, and religious internecine warfare. Under many factors such as extreme racial discrimination, basic religious doctrines, and oppression of survival competition, collective massacres and persecutions of human beings continue. Continuously and to this day, it has become a part of our history. Race is always an ongoing war. The external cleansing of race, internal colonization, wars between races, and the struggle between racism and anti-racism have always been the themes of human civilization. How do humans fight against their own racial prejudice and The war of racial discrimination of its own is an issue that human civilization must face and solve together in the future. Today, when racial hatred and racial wars are still spreading, it is necessary for us to go deep into the historical scene and understand the external context and internal structure of ancient and modern genocide and war through the depth of time, the conditions that constitute the possibility of massacre, and how to avoid it. Racial discrimination, conflicts and even more intense acts of extermination or war have accompanied the development of human civilization. In the early days, it was more important such as the European conquest of the New World, the massacre of indigenous peoples in the United States and Australia, and the massacre of Africans by white colonists. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Armenian Genocide, the first large-scale genocide, had constituted a collective human trauma and endless reflection on the Nazi Holocaust. The word "genocide" (genocide), which refers to the mass or partial massacre of national groups, has officially come to the fore, and it has become an international issue along with the war. The Nazi extermination of the Jews was a massacre that was both unique and normal. It was unique in one aspect, but it was not unique as a case of genocide because it was not that far away. The emergence of bloody ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia and Rwanda illustrates that ethnic conflict and genocide have become a normal issue in contemporary society and a part of our civilization. Rough estimates put the number of deaths due to ethnic conflicts in the 20th century at as many as 70 million. How does racial discrimination form, how does it lead to the occurrence of racial conflicts, and how does it go to the extreme of deliberate massacre and cleansing? What are the characteristics of this kind of genocide? What does it have to do with our civilization, modernity or democracy? That's the key. Throughout history, we have witnessed how racial prejudice fuels conflicts and atrocities, and how anger at atrocities provokes more serious racial hatred and massacres. Even though the war is over, racist ideologies have not disappeared. Instead, they are deeply rooted in modern society, waiting for opportunities to reignite wars at any time. The root causes of the problem are complex and entangled, covering a wide range of areas. For example, Du Bois pointed out: "The problem of the twentieth century is a problem divided by skin color." Bauman, a famous contemporary sociologist, pointed out from the operation process of the massacre that the root of the Nazi genocide is human reason and modernity, which is the civilization we live by. Modernity paradoxically became the historical condition of the Holocaust, and it also opened up thinking about the nature of the Holocaust and its relationship with civilization, rationality, and modernity. Another sociologist Michael Mann also pointed out that ethnic cleansing is one of the great evils of modern times. The deliberate ethnic cleansing of the Jewish Holocaust is a modern phenomenon. In the current context, this type of deliberate ethnic cleansing and purification constitutes the dark side of democracy and is a major crisis in the democratic era. These ethnic conflicts and acts of cleansing are not exogenous, they belong to our civilization and ourselves. When analyzing current ethnic conflicts, they are often intertwined with religious conflicts, ethnic differences are entangled with social differences, and ethnic conflicts and class conflicts inspire each other. It also involves factors such as colonial/anti-colonial/internal colonization. Some premeditated genocides in the 20th century were carried out in the name of realizing a new national order or using racism as a tool of war. Many of the wars caused by these ethnic conflicts are civil wars. The conflicts even arise from almost invisible differences. The targets of massacre are not only those who are different from you, but also those who are similar to you. Assimilation is the most terrifying enemy. The warring parties fabricated national myths and histories to rationalize conflict purification behaviors. Therefore, most ethnic violence occurs within communities rather than between communities; and the perpetrators of mass killings are mostly ordinary people. This is one of the characteristics of contemporary racial conflict, how ordinary people can become demons. A further analysis of the causes of contemporary ethnic conflicts involves: competing sovereignty, democratic or authoritarian systems, national unity or divisions, national weakness and factional divisions, uneven distribution of resources, class/racial differences, and intensification caused by the interaction of extreme perpetrators conflict and other factors. In the context of the above issues, this course will delve into the roots of racial discrimination through the exploration of the concept and origin of racism: how race classification and skin color become black issues at the boundaries of race and discrimination; how the black body constitutes a social threat and the rights and interests of black people. Outer situations and inner life. Then it traces the characteristics of historical genocide, explores the relationship between contemporary genocide and modernity, and involves the historical facts of the colonization of the Americas, Africa, and the massacre of indigenous people before the twentieth century. It also explores how Japan used racism in the Asia/Pacific region. In the name of launching a war of aggression and rationalizing its own policy of colonial plunder, "race" became a tool of appropriation and played a key role in the war. Finally, we enter the world of contemporary ethnic conflicts, and explore the causes, formation process, expansion factors, and characteristics and characteristics of ethnic conflicts through several major model events: the genocide and purification events in Armenia, Nazi Holocaust, Yugoslavia, and Rwanda. effect. At the same time, it is the purpose of this course to provide the conditions that may lead to massacres and how to resolve ethnic conflicts and avoid genocide. People are born different, but they are created equal, which is a reflection of the cognition and civil rights that modern citizens must have. This is the final concern of this course.

參考書目 Reference Books

Arendt, Hannah,《平凡的邪惡:艾希曼耶路撒冷大審記實》(台北:玉山社,2013)
Bauman, Zygmunt,《現代性與大屠殺》(Modernity and the Holocaust)(南京:譯
Chirot & McCauley,《為什麼不殺光:種族大屠殺的反思》(Why not kill them all?)
Dower W., John,《無情之戰:太平洋戰爭中的種族與強權》(Race and Power in the Pacific War)(北京:中信出版社,2019)
Du Bois W. E. B.,《黑人的靈魂》(The Souls of Black Folk)(台北:聯經出版公司,
d’Appolionia, Ariane Chebel,《種族主義的邊界》(北京:社會科學文獻出版社,
Fanon, Frantz,《黑皮膚,白面具》(Peau Noire, Masques Blancs)(台北:心靈工
Friendlander, Henry,《從安樂死到最終解決》(The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the final sloution)(北京:北京出版社,2002)
Horne, Gerald,《種族戰爭:白人至上主義與日本對大英帝國的攻擊》(Race War: White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Empire)(台北:遠足文化,2017)
Jacoby, Russell,《殺戮欲》(Bloodlust)(北京:商務印書館,2013)
Keane, John,《暴力與民主》(Violence and Democracy)(北京:中央編譯出版社,
Kenidi, Ibram X.,《生而被標籤:美國種族歧視思想的歷史源流》(Stamped from the Begining)(台北:馬可孛羅,2019)
Kiernan, Ben,《血與土:一部種族屠殺與滅絕的世界史》(Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination From Sparta to Darfur)(台北:五南圖
Mann, Michael,《民主的陰暗面》(The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining of Ethnic Cleansing )(北京:中央編譯出版社,2015)
Schlee, Gunther,《何以為敵:族群與宗教衝突論綱》(How Enemies are Made)(北
Taguieff, Pierre-Andre,《種族主義源流》(北京:三聯書店,2005)
Todorov, Tzvetan,《我們與他人:關於人類多樣性的法蘭西思考》(北京:北京大

Arendt, Hannah, Ordinary Evil: Accounts of Eichmann’s Jerusalem Trial (Taipei: Yushan Society, 2013)
----------, "The Origins of Totalitarianism" (Taipei: Times Press,)
Bauman, Zygmunt, Modernity and the Holocaust (Nanjing: Trans.
Lin Publishing House, 2011)
Chirot & McCauley, Why not kill them all?: Reflections on the Holocaust
(Beijing: Sanlian Bookstore, 2012)
Dower W., John, Race and Power in the Pacific War (Beijing: CITIC Press, 2019)
Du Bois W. E. B., The Souls of Black Folk (Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company,
d’Appolionia, Ariane Chebel, “The Boundaries of Racism” (Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press,
Fanon, Frantz, Peau Noire, Masques Blancs (Taipei: Psychic
Fang, 2005)
Friendlander, Henry, The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the final sloution (Beijing: Beijing Press, 2002)
Horne, Gerald, Race War: White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Empire (Taipei: Hiking Culture, 2017)
Jacoby, Russell, Bloodlust (Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2013)
Keane, John, Violence and Democracy (Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press,
Kenidi, Ibram X., Stamped from the Begining (Taipei: Marco Polo, 2019)
Kiernan, Ben, Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination From Sparta to Darfur (Taipei: Wu Nan Tu
Book, 2017)
Mann, Michael, The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining of Ethnic Cleansing (Beijing: Central Compilation and Translation Press, 2015)
Schlee, Gunther, "How Enemies are Made: An Essay on Ethnic and Religious Conflict" (North
Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Press, 2017)
Taguieff, Pierre-Andre, "The Origins of Racism" (Beijing: Joint Publishing, 2005)
Todorov, Tzvetan, "Us and Others: French Reflections on Human Diversity" (Beijing: Beijing University
Xue Press, 2014)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
課堂報告和出席 課堂報告和出席
Class Reports and Attendance
25 課程以講授和討論方式進行,每安排同學負責閱讀材料之摘要報告,和閱讀心得,並提出問題,除嘗試回達所提問題外,也帶動全班討論。A4一頁,報告當天書面繳交。請勿無故缺席課堂報告(無法到課報告請事先請假)。不定期點名,出席率列入平時成績計算。
Daily homework
25 每位同學需就各週之指定教材,任選六篇撰寫閱讀心得,期中考前和期末考前各繳三篇,每篇A4一頁左右書面繳交。切勿缺繳。
Midterm/Final Exam
50 (分數各佔25%)申論題,非攜書應試。

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9,10[C119]
授課教師 Teacher:黃宏昭
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
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