course information of 109 - 1 | 1948 Lectures on the Vocation of the Scholar(相思林講座)

1948 - 相思林講座 Lectures on the Vocation of the Scholar

教育目標 Course Target

相思林講座為一系列演講的課程,在每學年的第一學期開設。邀請系上專任教師提供一次演講,讓大學部和研究所的同學們能有機會認識、瞭解系上老師。不論就老師們的學思歷程、專長興趣,還是近來關注的議題、所思所得,或是想與同學們分享的感觸,同學們皆可藉此機會近身觀察,親耳聆聽。經由本課程,修課的同學們當可認識本系教師們及其專長領域與研究興趣;瞭解社會學相關分支領域與關鍵議題;分享教師們的學思歷程;也可進一步思考未來繼續在東海社會系攻讀碩、博士班的可能性。Acacia Forest Lectures are a series of lecture courses offered in the first semester of each academic year. Invite full-time teachers in the department to give a lecture, so that students from the university and graduate schools can have the opportunity to get to know and understand the teachers in the department. Students can take this opportunity to observe and listen up close, whether it is about the teachers' academic history, expertise and interests, recent issues of concern, thoughts and gains, or feelings that they want to share with their classmates. Through this course, students who take the course should be able to get to know the teachers of the department, their areas of expertise and research interests; understand the relevant subfields and key issues of sociology; share the teachers’ learning and thinking process; and also be able to further think about continuing to study in Donghai in the future. Possibility of pursuing master's and doctoral studies in the Department of Sociology.

參考書目 Reference Books


Reference book: "How to Learn Society?" 》(2015) Compiled and published by the Department of Sociology, Tunghai University
This book takes the academic and ideological process of teachers from the Department of Sociology of Tunghai University as the main axis. It not only records the development process of the teachers, but also depicts their profound life trajectories. The content of this book is diverse, including teachers’ teaching experiences, life feelings, and field experiences, etc.; all interviews are the essence. For readers who have no foundation in sociology, they can get a glimpse of the charm of sociology and understand what sociologists think, do, and say; for readers who are already in the sociological field, they can also get inspiration from this book. with new excitement. It has been more than sixty years since the Department of Sociology was founded. It has a glorious history and has made even greater contributions to the academic community. I hope you can see from the personal stories of these interviews the larger society they reflect.

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/11,12[SS108]
授課教師 Teacher:劉 正/許甘霖
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:推廣部隨班附讀請獲得老師同意。
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