信賴區間。[Official version released on 2020/9 class]
We are in an era where numbers are used to describe and understand society. For example, politically, we benefit
Use civil service to judge the popularity or maliciousness of the general; economically, we use the unemployment rate to evaluate the government
In academic research, census or survey data are often used for research, such as using "Taiwan"
Social Change Basic Survey" examines the relationship between education years and salary level. Therefore, social sect
It is a core compulsory course in the social science departments of all major universities. However, even the statute plays the role of life and research
The role of a small and complex statistical formulas and models often make many students respect it.
This course will therefore use "State Thinking" as the core main axis of the course, rather than the general social statistical course emphasis.
The formula calculation. This course hopes to introduce the concepts and backgrounds in a more popular science teaching method, and points out
Commonly known sources and conditions of bad statistical sources to enhance students' thinking ability and match them with the
Learn to strengthen the application capabilities of statistics. The focus of this period includes single change description analysis, chance and
Trust area.
A. 指定教材:
B. 參考教材:
Gonick, Larry and Woollcott Smith (鄭惟厚譯,2009)。《看漫畫,學統
Pagano, Robert R. (潘中道、郭俊賢譯,2010)。《行為科學統計學》,
[The official version of the official version is released in school. Books may be modified]
A. Designated textbook:
Liu Honghuang, 2015. "Social Statistics", Double Leaf Library.
Classroom lectures.
B. Reference textbooks:
Lin Huiling, Chen Zhengye, 2011. "Application Statistical Program", Double Leaf Library.
Gonick, Larry and Woollcott Smith (Zheng Weihoulu, 2009). "Looking at comics, learning stats
《》, the world's culture.
Pagano, Robert R. (Pan Zhongdao, Guo Junjin, 2010). "Behavioral Sciences"
Double Leaf Library.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
作業作業 Action |
15 | |
小考小考 Small exam |
15 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
40 |