In order to help students in this department understand the practice of public services as early as possible, our department has been considering launching an undergraduate internship program for a long time. Based on this course design, it is expected that administrative internship will be officially included as a required course in the 110 academic year. The design of this course continues the "Volunteer Management and Public Service" elective course that was piloted in the past. It is renamed "Administrative Internship I and II" and the number of credits is reduced to 2 credits in each semester. The design of the above-mentioned semester courses is centered on the verification of "student learning effectiveness". We hope to provide diverse assistance so that students can take stock of what they have learned in school before graduation, and then choose an internship field and topic, and combine it with a group of friends to work together. Give full play to your strengths and create a blue ocean work for your employment resume.
For "Administrative Internship I", the course will be based on keynote speeches (those who elect this course will not accumulate learning experience points for participating in the above speeches), supplemented by "Public Service" courses and international case analysis. The speeches can be roughly divided into three categories, namely "Understanding Career, Third Sector, Potential Development" and other series. In order, they hope to expand the career development imagination of fresh people in society (the way out for graduates of this department), understand and exercise public service Value recognition and preparation (integration of work and public welfare), assisting you in reviewing or reorganizing employment skills (employment sprint preparation).
In addition, part of the course time will explore public service-related theories, management practices and current important issues. We will also start to compile the "learning resume and professional interests" of each course-selecting student, with the purpose of providing internships for the group program of "Administrative Internship II" Be prepared. Because in the second half of this semester, the teacher will start to match the program internship opportunities provided by each group of the class with government agencies and non-governmental organizations, so that the students who choose the course can go to the internship organization to take up their positions in the second week of the next semester, and start completing the tasks they selected last semester. plan. The contents of these programs are expected to include "event planning or execution, news reporting or analysis, organizational outreach or marketing, business inventory or innovation, new media application and innovation", etc. Participating in the above-mentioned programs gives you the opportunity to enter different organizations, and through the execution of the program, you can obtain potential employment opportunities for yourself, or win yourself a competitive internship experience. Of course, in this process, in addition to enriching your pre-internship preparations through the above lectures, this course will also use a multi-person co-teaching method in the "Administrative Internship II" in the next semester, so that each team will have their own mentoring professor ( With the assistance of coach/mentor), gradually complete the tasks assigned by the internship organization.
Masaoka, Jan (2011). The nonprofit’s guide to human resources: Managing your employees & volunteers. Berkeley, CA.: Nolo.(不用買,主要是老師用於非演講時段,視需要向大家補充;也可能會替換為各類與各成目的相關的紀錄片)
Masaoka, Jan (2011). The nonprofit's guide to human resources: Managing your employees & volunteers. Berkeley, CA.: Nolo. (No need to buy, mainly used by teachers during non-lecture periods, and can be supplemented as needed; may also be replaced For various documentaries related to various purposes)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂演講與參訪心得課堂演講與參訪心得 Class lectures and interview experience |
60 | 心得每人至少應繳11次,其他視臨時性活動而定 |
個人學習履歷與專長興趣彙整個人學習履歷與專長興趣彙整 Summary of personal learning resume and expertise and interests |
10 | 設計占5%,內容占5% |
課程參與課程參與 course participation |
10 | 上課或聽講討論、班級服務等 |
方案實習組織介紹方案實習組織介紹 Introduction to Program Internship Organization |
10 | PPT簡報內容、設計、台風、解說表現等 |
團隊學習履歷與專長興趣彙整團隊學習履歷與專長興趣彙整 Summary of team learning resume and expertise and interests |
10 | 設計占5%,內容占5% |