course information of 109 - 1 | 1898 The Implementation of the Latest(公共行政發展新趨勢實作)

1898 - 公共行政發展新趨勢實作 The Implementation of the Latest

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標及內涵:本課程之主要目標,係介紹目前最新的科技發展主要議題:長期照護、大數據、生物科技、人工智慧--對於各國政府規劃、制訂、執行、與評估相關公共政策都是巨大的挑戰。本課程之目的係指導大學三、四年級學生瞭解目前對於公共政策影響最深遠的重大議題,透過多元學習、分組討論及專題論文的學習方式,瞭解該項議題的定義、範疇、目前國際與國內產業發展現況、未來可能發展狀態、對於人類生活所可能產生的影響,分別就政治、行政、法律、經濟、社會、勞工、企業管理、公平正義、倫理道德等層面,探究議題本身的各種價值衝突,與可能平衡之解決之道。 本課程將探究以下四大議題(暫訂):長期照護、大數據、生物科技、與人工智慧。討論的範圍依照課程設計順序包含:定義探討、目前發展範疇檢驗,並且研究政策問題建構(初期)、目前產業發展狀態(國內、國際)、未來可能發展狀態,以及未來可能的影響層面與問題:政治、行政、法律、經濟、社會、勞工、企業管理、公平正義、倫理道德、與科技發展等面向。最後提出問題建構(完整)與解決方向與策略。參與學生分為四組,分別就其選定之議題,帶領課堂討論,分析,辯論,檢驗,建議等,期末撰寫專業論文一篇,並舉行研討會發表之。Course objectives and connotation: The main objective of this course is to introduce the latest major topics in technological development: long-term care, big data, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence - which are important for governments in various countries to plan, formulate, implement, and evaluate relevant public policies. Huge challenge. The purpose of this course is to guide third- and fourth-year university students to understand the major issues that have the most far-reaching impact on public policy. Through multi-learning, group discussions and special papers, they will understand the definition, scope, current international and domestic issues of the issue. The current status of industrial development, the possible future development status, and the possible impact on human life, respectively, explore various value conflicts in the topic itself from the political, administrative, legal, economic, social, labor, business management, fairness and justice, ethics, etc. , and possible solutions to balance. This course will explore the following four major topics (tentative): long-term care, big data, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence. The scope of the discussion includes, in accordance with the order of course design: definition discussion, examination of current development categories, and research on the construction of policy issues (initial stage), current industrial development status (domestic, international), possible future development status, and possible future impact levels and issues: Politics, administration, law, economy, society, labor, business management, fairness and justice, ethics and morality, and scientific and technological development. Finally, the problem construction (complete) and solution directions and strategies are proposed. Participating students are divided into four groups and lead class discussions, analysis, debates, tests, suggestions, etc. on their selected topics. They write a professional paper at the end of the semester and hold a seminar to present it.

參考書目 Reference Books

Since there are not many Chinese reference books and papers on the four major topics, foreign language teaching materials will be the main focus.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
10 不得缺席。點名缺席一次扣學期總分10分。5次缺席扣考。
Participation and preparation for class exercises
20 課程各項活動安排之參與,與課堂上各項討論之參與與觀察
Special papers
70 學期末發表之專業論文

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:魯俊孟
修課班級 Class:行政系2-4
選課備註 Memo:深碗型實作課程
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 12 人。

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