course information of 109 - 1 | 1896 Negotiation: Theories and Practice(談判理論與應用)

1896 - 談判理論與應用 Negotiation: Theories and Practice

教育目標 Course Target

課程目的: 本課程之主要目的是藉著探討及介紹談判的理論,並配合日常生活與未來職場生涯中可能遇到的假設案例進行模擬談判,來說明談判技巧於公共部門管理人員的重要性。本課程所介紹的談判原則與技巧,可適用於各類談判過程,訓練的目的是提供學習者依各尋求對談雙方雙贏的實用策略。本課程有下列目標: 1. 提供學習者系統化的談判準則與技巧。 2. 幫助學習者分析與解釋談判對方的意圖與期望。 3. 幫助學習者在混沌不明的情況下掌握方向。 4. 提供學習者模擬談判來磨練技巧累積經驗。 5. 幫助學習者了解本身談判技巧與特殊的行為表相。 6. 幫助學習者建立談判信心。本課程上課方式包含理論簡介與探討、模擬談判、與模擬談判結果簡報。學習者應每堂出席因為你的對談者需要你扮演好一個對談者的角色。事先預習下週進度因為你需要配合進度來準備模擬談判的假設案例。請準備一個模擬談判的紀錄簿,針對模擬談判的過程作一忠實的紀錄。紀錄簿於期末前繳交以做為評分依據。記錄簿中應包含: 1. 詳述你對模擬談判案例議題的資料搜集過程與談判策略準備。 2. 在談判的過程中,對談者所採用的策略與其準備的妥善狀況。 3. 仔細觀察任何對談者所用出人意表的策略及效果,並仔細記錄談判的結果。 4. 仔細記錄談判結果簡報其他各組值得你學習的新方向、新思維及新方法,並說明對你的啟示為何?對你下次談判的影響為何? 5. 仔細觀察你及對談者的表現並未雙方打個分數。 6. 仔細記錄你認為,如就同一案例作一新談判,你的修正建議為何?每個案例應做三頁左右的觀察紀錄,並以電腦文書處理於期末前繳交。Course purpose: The main purpose of this course is to illustrate the importance of negotiation skills for public sector managers by exploring and introducing the theory of negotiation and conducting simulated negotiations with hypothetical cases that may be encountered in daily life and future career. The negotiation principles and techniques introduced in this course can be applied to all types of negotiation processes. The purpose of the training is to provide learners with practical strategies to seek a win-win situation for both parties in the dialogue. This course has the following objectives: 1. Provide learners with systematic negotiation guidelines and techniques. 2. Help learners analyze and explain the intentions and expectations of the negotiating party. 3. Help learners grasp the direction in chaotic and unclear situations. 4. Provide learners with simulated negotiations to hone their skills and accumulate experience. 5. Help learners understand their own negotiation skills and special behaviors. 6. Help learners build negotiation confidence. The teaching method of this course includes theoretical introduction and discussion, simulated negotiation, and simulation negotiation results briefing. Learners should attend every session because your interlocutor requires you to play the role of interlocutor. Preview next week's schedule in advance because you will need to work with it to prepare the hypothetical case for the simulated negotiation. Please prepare a mock negotiation record book to keep a faithful record of the mock negotiation process. The record book must be turned in before the end of the term as a basis for grading. The record book should contain: 1. Describe in detail your data collection process and negotiation strategy preparation for the simulated negotiation case issues. 2. During the negotiation process, the strategies used by the interlocutors and the appropriateness of their preparations. 3. Carefully observe any unexpected strategies and effects used by any interlocutor, and carefully record the results of the negotiation. 4. Carefully record the new directions, new thinking, and new methods of the other groups in the negotiation results briefing that are worthy of your study, and explain what inspiration they have for you? What impact will it have on your next negotiation? 5. Carefully observe your performance and that of your interlocutor and give both parties a score. 6. Carefully record what you think would be your suggestions for revision if a new negotiation was held on the same case. An observation record of about three pages should be made for each case and should be submitted by computerized document processing before the end of the term.

參考書目 Reference Books

談判新時代:談判要領之理論、技巧與實務,Michael R. Carrell, Christian Heavrin著,黃丹力譯,學負文化事業有限公司
A New Era of Negotiation: Theory, Skills and Practice of Negotiation Essentials, written by Michael R. Carrell, Christian Heavrin, translated by Huang Danli, Xuefeng Cultural Enterprise Co., Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participation and preparation for class exercises
Negotiation record book
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[C221]
授課教師 Teacher:魯俊孟
修課班級 Class:行政系2-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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