course information of 109 - 1 | 1885 Public Relation(公眾關係)

1885 - 公眾關係 Public Relation

教育目標 Course Target

在強調包裝與行銷的現代社會中,錢並非唯一成功的關鍵,成本也不是唯一衡量效益的因素,有時候「關係」的營造與有無,反而是「任務」能否達成的重要原因。但在某種程度上,「關係」也有如一種資源或物資,同一時間可能會有多種力量或單位一起競爭此一資源,如何在激烈的競爭中取得優勢,已成為現代公、私部門著力的重要環節。 公共關係的基本定義指的是個人或團體為與其他團體建立或維持良好關係所做的努力,而在現代社會中,媒體卻成為公共關係的一個重要對象,如果能取得媒體的信任、協助,在很大的程度上即可取得免費的發言權,而這正是包括政府與企業最欲獲得的結果之一。 為使初學者能清楚地瞭解公共關係與人際關係、國際關係的不同,在課程安排上將從理論基礎談起,結合實務界的應用,區別出三者基本的不同,進而探討在策略與運用上的捷徑與限制,兼論面對危機或緊急狀況時,如何透過適當的公關作為將災害減到最低,甚至化為無形。相關內容與安排如下: 一、公共關係的基本概念 二、公共關係傳播理論 三、公共關係說服理論 四、公共關係專業與人員 五、公關議題的管理與應用—危機處理 六、媒體事務管理:媒體已成為公關能否成功的重要關鍵。 七、國會事務管理:行政力的執行有賴民意機關的信任與支持。 八、政策宣傳與形象塑造:政府如何透過公關作為形塑民眾的印象,己成為現代政府的重要工具。 九、特定團體與意見領袖事務管理:多數決雖是常態,但少數有時反成為決定性的關鍵。 十、網路科技之影響與運用:現代科技已加速傳播的速度與變化,如何運用科技已成為現代人不可不知的課題。 十一、新聞發佈與處理:無論公、私部門,新聞的發佈都已成為營造關係的重要工具。 十二、新聞報導與寫作In a modern society that emphasizes packaging and marketing, money is not the only key to success, and cost is not the only factor to measure effectiveness. Sometimes the creation and existence of "relationships" is an important reason for whether the "mission" can be achieved. But to a certain extent, "relationship" is also like a resource or material. At the same time, there may be multiple forces or units competing for this resource. How to gain an advantage in the fierce competition has become a focus of the modern public and private sectors. important link. The basic definition of public relations refers to the efforts made by individuals or groups to establish or maintain good relationships with other groups. However, in modern society, the media has become an important object of public relations. If the trust and assistance of the media can be obtained, To a large extent, you can get a free say, and this is one of the results that governments and enterprises most want to obtain. In order to enable beginners to clearly understand the differences between public relations, interpersonal relationships, and international relations, the course arrangement will start with the theoretical basis, combine it with practical applications, distinguish the basic differences between the three, and then discuss the strategies and applications. It also discusses how to minimize or even make the disaster invisible through appropriate public relations actions when facing a crisis or emergency. Relevant content and arrangements are as follows: 1. Basic concepts of public relations 2. Public relations communication theory 3. Public relations persuasion theory 4. Public relations professionals and personnel 5. Management and application of public relations issues - crisis management 6. Media affairs management: The media has become an important key to the success of public relations. 7. Management of parliamentary affairs: The execution of administrative power depends on the trust and support of public opinion organs. 8. Policy propaganda and image building: How the government shapes the public’s impression through public relations has become an important tool for modern government. 9. Management of affairs of specific groups and opinion leaders: Although majority rule is the norm, the minority sometimes becomes the decisive key. 10. The influence and application of Internet technology: Modern technology has accelerated the speed and change of communication. How to use technology has become a must-know topic for modern people. 11. News release and processing: In both public and private sectors, news release has become an important tool for building relationships. 12. News reporting and writing

參考書目 Reference Books

一、 卜正珉,公共關係---政府公共議題決策管理。台北:揚智文化事業公司,2003。
二、 孫秀蕙,公共關係:理論、策略與研究實例。台北:正中書局,1997。
三、 劉建順,現代公共關係學。台北:智勝文化事業公司,2005。
四、 楊乃藩,公共關係。台北:允晨出版公司,1984。
五、 臧國仁,新聞媒體與消息來源:媒介框架與真實建構之論述。台北:三民書局,1999。
六、 Banks,Stephen P.,Multicultural Public Relatiion:A Social Interpretive Approach.California:Sage Publications,1995.
七、 Borden,George,Human Communication Systen.Boston:American Press,1985.
1. Bu Zhengmin, public relations---government decision-making management of public issues. Taipei: ALi Cultural Corporation, 2003.
2. Sun Xiuhui, Public Relations: Theory, Strategies and Research Examples. Taipei: Zhengzhong Book Company, 1997.
3. Liu Jianshun, Modern Public Relations. Taipei: Zhisheng Cultural Corporation, 2005.
4. Yang Naifan, public relations. Taipei: Yunchen Publishing Company, 1984.
5. Zang Guoren, News Media and Sources: A Discussion of Media Framework and Reality Construction. Taipei: Sanmin Book Company, 1999.
6. Banks, Stephen P., Multicultural Public Relatiion: A Social Interpretive Approach.California: Sage Publications, 1995.
7. Borden, George, Human Communication Systen.Boston: American Press, 1985.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
normal grades

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:黃文明
修課班級 Class:行政系1-4
選課備註 Memo:行政管理創新學群、非營利組織學群
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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