本課程名稱為英文閱讀與寫作 旨在培養學生之英文閱讀與寫作能力 課程主要方向有三 (一) 學習英語搭配詞用法 (二) 觀看CNN ICRT 等英文媒體培養同學之聽讀能力 (三) 練習多益閱讀題目 提升同學多益分數與職場英語能力 本課程亦要求每次上課皆須繳交英文作業 The name of this course is English Reading and Writing. It aims to cultivate students' English reading and writing skills. The course has three main directions (1) Learning the usage of English collocation words (2) Watching CNN ICRT and other English media to develop students' listening and reading skills (3) Many exercises Reading questions improve students' TOEIC scores and workplace English proficiency. This course also requires English homework to be handed in every class.
本英文課程著重訓練學生經濟英文閱讀寫作技巧之培養, 上課方式以藉由教授商業英語搭配詞觀念來增進同學英語閱讀寫作能力, 並藉由觀看CNN英文商業報導, 聆聽ICRT商業新聞報導, 閱讀以經濟商業為主之英文時勢文章(China Post, Taipei Times)來增進學生對英文聽讀能力, 進一步使學生能對時事用英文口語和寫作來進行表達, 此外, 課程也會補充多益語言測驗之訓練幫助同學通過英文畢業門檻
This English course focuses on training students' economic English reading and writing skills. The class method is to improve students' English reading and writing skills by teaching the concept of business English collocation words, and by watching CNN English business reports, listening to ICRT business news reports, and reading English current affairs articles (China Post, Taipei Times) focusing on economics and business are used to improve students' listening and reading skills in English, and further enable students to express current affairs in English speaking and writing. In addition, The course will also supplement the TOEIC language test training to help students pass the English graduation threshold
Teacher's own handouts
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |