course information of 109 - 1 | 1755 Labor Standard Act(勞動基準法)

1755 - 勞動基準法 Labor Standard Act

教育目標 Course Target

資本主義經濟之運作、發展等必然造成經濟上強者剝削經濟上之弱者,例如臨時性、短期性、特定性之工作即是,近年派遺勞動更是到處可見,甚至政府機關本身就是最大的派遺業者,如何保護勞工之基本權利,尤其是團結權、團體交涉權及爭議權應如何落實成為今日勞動法之主要課題,歡迎同學共同來學習勞基法。勞動法之範圍相當廣大而複雜,如勞工保險條例、勞工安全衛生法、工會法、勞資爭議處理法等皆包括在內,勞基法之主要內容為 1、勞基法之目的 2、法定用語之定義 3、勞動契約 4、工資、工作時間、變形工時 5、休假、請假 6、女工、童工、建教生 7、退休問題 8、職業災害 9 工作規則 10、檢查與罰則The operation and development of capitalism will inevitably lead to economic strong people eroding economic weak people, such as temporary, short-term, and specific work. In recent years, the sect has been seen, and even the government agencies themselves are the largest How to protect the basic rights of workers, especially how group rights, group negotiation rights and dispute rights should be implemented have become the main subjects of today's labor law. Students are welcome to learn the basic rights of labor law together. The scope of the labor law is quite large and complex, such as the labor insurance regulations, labor safety and hygiene laws, trade fair laws, and labor dispute treatment methods, etc., and the main content of the labor law is 1. Purpose of the Basic Law 2. Definition of legal language 3. The contract of war 4. Working hours, working hours, deformation time 5. Take leave, ask for leave 6. Female workers, child laborers, and educational students 7. Retirement Problems 8. Professional disaster 9 Work rules 10. Check and Punishment

課程概述 Course Description

在資本主義經濟之制度下,資本家從事各種的經濟活動,必然產生與勞工間之權利義務問題。本來在民法之「契約自由意思自主」之原則下,勞資雙方訂定勞動契約,得自由決定契約之內容。事實上,雇主在社會上、經濟上皆居於強者之地位,勞工除了出賣自已的勞動力以外,別無其他生產之工具,因此常有勞資爭議之問題發生。世界各國皆訂有保護勞工之法律,諸如工會法、勞工安全衛生法、勞資爭議處理法等,我國亦在民國七十三年制定勞動基準法(以下稱本法),可謂國家以公權力介入經濟活動最為典型之法律,以保障勞工之權益。 由於工作種類繁多,規模、性質不一,如何制定各行各業皆得適用之勞動基準,實非易事。本法共規定有八十六個條文,似乎不多,內容卻相當豐富,幾將勞工所有之問題皆包括在內,如總則章內規定著本法制定之目的及用語之定義,再加上適用之範圍、主管機關、禁止強制勞動、禁止介入勞動契約抽取不法利益及防止職業災害發生之義務等。其次有關勞動契約如定期、不定期之勞動契約、預告或不預告勞工解僱勞工之要件,以示雇主不得非法解雇勞工。另工資、工作時間、休息、休假等亦加以明文規定。有關童工、女工、退休金、職業災害之認定與補償、工作規則、勞動檢查、罰則等皆設有規定。 本法為規定勞動之最低基準的法律,雖規定相當詳盡,問題依然叢生,而且爭議時有所聞,例如雇主積欠工資時,第二十八條規定工資有優先受償權,事實上因為雇主積欠工資致勞工走上街頭抗爭之情事屢見不鮮,可見問題依舊存在。另有雇主將勞工之薪資分成三個雇主之形態,致變相減薪,影響勞工之退休金、職業災害之補償等。最近主管機關似有準備放寬工會進行罷工之要件,若確實如此將來工會分攤主管機關監督雇主,落實本法所規定之勞動基準將指日可待,亦期待同學共同努力學習本法。
Under the capitalist economic system, capitalists engage in various economic activities will inevitably lead to rights and labor issues. Originally, under the principle of "free contracts and autonomy in their intentions" in the Civil Law, the two parties made a contract to make a contract and were able to freely decide the content of the contract. In fact, employers are socially and economically strong. In addition to selling their own power, workers do not have other tools for producing production, so there are often problems with labor disputes. All countries around the world have laws that protect labor, such as the Trade Union Law, the Labor Safety and Hygiene Law, and the Labor Controversy Law. Our country has also formulated the Labor Basic Law in the 73rd year of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as this Law), which can be said to be intervened by the state with public power. Economic activities are the most typical laws to protect the rights of workers. Due to the wide variety of work, different sizes and characteristics, it is not easy to formulate a policy basis for all industries to be suitable for use. There are 86 articles in this Law, which seems to be not many, and the content is quite rich. Several problems of the worker are included. For example, the general chapter stipulates the purpose and definition of the formulation of this Law and the use of the language, and adds the Applicable scope, competent authorities, prohibition of force control, prohibition of intervention in the operation contract to extract illegal interests and prevent the occurrence of professional disasters, etc. Secondly, there are regular and irregular labor contracts, notifications or non-reporting workers to resolve employment requirements, so as to indicate that the employer shall not illegally fire workers. In addition, wages, working hours, rest, vacations, etc. are also clearly stipulated. There are regulations on child labor, female workers, pensions, and employment disasters. This Law is a law that stipulates the minimum base for policies. Although the regulations are quite detailed, problems still arise and there is a debate. For example, when an employer owes wages, Article 28 stipulates that wages are preemptive for wages, which is actually because the employer does not have any right to pay. The owed wages caused workers to go to the streets to protest, but the problem still exists. In addition, employers divide the salary of workers into three employers, resulting in a corresponding salary reduction, affecting the pension of workers and the compensation of employment disasters. Recently, the supervisory agency seems to be preparing to carry out the work of the broad-scale industrial association. If this is true, the supervisory agency will supervise the employer. The implementation of the power base stipulated in this Law will be just around the corner. We also look forward to the students working together to learn this Law.

參考書目 Reference Books

三民書局 勞動基準法論 林豐賓劉邦棟著
Sanmin Book Bureau, Discussion on the Basic Law of the Operation, by Lin Fengfeng Liubangqi

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
No exams
Regular achievements
10 平時成績以點名時為準,未來上課者以零分計算。

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9[SS206]
授課教師 Teacher:高得潤
修課班級 Class:經濟系2-4
選課備註 Memo:不辦理教師簽名選課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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