course information of 109 - 1 | 1647 A Special Topic (II)(專題(二))

1647 - 專題(二) A Special Topic (II)

教育目標 Course Target

企業的數位創新與智慧服務需要高階經理人的支持與決心,但是往往高階經理人對於資訊快速變遷下的環境未能及時掌握,而錯失許多寶貴的機會。回過頭來看看企業內部的IT人員每天被制式的電腦工作流程已經忙得不可開交,哪裡有多餘的時間研究新的趨勢與技術。這個課程是設計介於高階經理人與IT技術人員的雲端服務銜接課程,高階經理不需要了解程式碼與系統操作。而是藉由課程先進的雲端服務的體驗實作與雲端新創公司案例討論(沒有資訊背景也沒關係),進而與該公司IT部門討論與建置雲端可行的殺手級產品與服務雛型。本課程以AWS企業個案為例,進而衍生出數位創新與智慧服務專案。Amazon Web Services (AWS) 是全球知名企業與電商龍頭亞馬遜雲端服務平台,提供運算能力、資料庫儲存、內容交付及其他協助企業擴展和數位創新成長的動能。目前擁有數百萬名客戶使用雲端產品與解決方案來建立提升彈性、可擴展性和可靠性的複雜商業模式。 1. 探討何謂雲端服務與計算,以及探討既有企業轉移至雲端服務的優缺點與法規限制。 2. 探討新創公司如何在沒有任何 IT包袱下使用雲端服務,以AWS為例。 3. 企業數位創新與智慧服務如何運用雲端 (AI, Big Data, and Cloud computing)三大利器與下一世代 AWS IOT 物聯網之運用。 1. 實務探討: 如何運用AWS AI 人工智慧與機器學習於數位創新與智慧服務應用之數位創新與既有產品結合。 甲、 AWS Machine Learning 機器學習應用與AWS新創公司案例討論。 乙、 Amazon Polly 文字轉換語音服務應用與AWS新創公司案例討論。 丙、 AWS Rekognition 影像和影片分析辨識應用與AWS新創公司案例討論。 丁、 Amazon Lex語音機器人應用與AWS新創公司案例討論。 戊、 AWS DeepLens深度學習攝影機應用與AWS新創公司案例討論。 2. 實務探討: 如何運用AWS Big Data 與 Machine Learning 分析預測企業商務模式、生產流程改進與行銷策略評估。 3. 實務探討: 如何運用AWS Cloud computing 改善傳統 IT 勞力密集,進而轉型為數位創新人才。 4. 實務探討: 如何運用AWS IOT 物聯網增加產品的附加價值與產品競爭力。 5. 實務探討: Alexa for Business 提升組織工作與流程能力與AWS新創公司案例討論。 Enterprises' digital innovation and smart services require the support and determination of senior managers. However, senior managers often fail to grasp the rapidly changing information environment in a timely manner and miss many valuable opportunities. Looking back, IT staff within the enterprise are already very busy with standard computer workflows every day. Where can they find any extra time to study new trends and technologies? This course is a cloud service bridging course designed between senior managers and IT technicians. Senior managers do not need to understand programming codes and system operations. Instead, through the course's advanced cloud service experience implementation and cloud startup case discussion (it doesn't matter if you don't have an information background), you can then discuss and build viable prototypes of killer products and services in the cloud with the company's IT department. This course takes the AWS enterprise case as an example and then derives a digital innovation and smart service project. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is Amazon's cloud service platform for the world's leading enterprises and e-commerce leaders. It provides computing power, database storage, content delivery and other driving forces to help enterprises expand and grow in digital innovation. Millions of customers currently use cloud products and solutions to build complex business models that improve resiliency, scalability and reliability. 1. Discuss what cloud services and computing are, and discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and regulatory restrictions for existing enterprises to move to cloud services. 2. Discuss how new startups can use cloud services without any IT baggage, taking AWS as an example. 3. How enterprise digital innovation and smart services use the three major tools of the cloud (AI, Big Data, and Cloud computing) and the application of the next generation AWS IOT Internet of Things. 1. Practical discussion: How to use AWS AI artificial intelligence and machine learning to integrate digital innovation and existing products in digital innovation and smart service applications. A. AWS Machine Learning machine learning application and case discussion of AWS new companies. B. Case discussion on Amazon Polly text-to-speech service application and AWS startup company. C. AWS Rekognition image and video analysis and recognition application and case discussion of AWS start-up companies. D. Case discussion on Amazon Lex voice robot application and AWS startup company. E. AWS DeepLens deep learning camera application and case discussion of AWS startup companies. 2. Practical discussion: How to use AWS Big Data and Machine Learning to analyze and predict enterprise business models, improve production processes, and evaluate marketing strategies. 3. Practical discussion: How to use AWS Cloud computing to improve traditional IT labor intensity and then transform into digital innovative talents. 4. Practical discussion: How to use AWS IOT to increase the added value and product competitiveness of products. 5. Practical discussion: Alexa for Business improves organizational work and process capabilities and case discussion of AWS startups.

參考書目 Reference Books

Original handouts

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Participate in course discussions and interactions
Digital innovation and smart service operations
Mid-term topic planning book
Final special report on digital innovation and smart services

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:林正偉/姜自強
修課班級 Class:資管系4
選課備註 Memo:上課時間,地點另訂
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 14 人。

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