course information of 109 - 1 | 1592 Time Series Analysis(時間序列)

1592 - 時間序列 Time Series Analysis

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標及內涵 (Course Objectives and Contents) 就課程概述所規畫之課程內容範疇,以大學部學生為授課對象,因此課程目標上將比課程概述所規畫之課程內容範疇較為應用及方法上的理解及對資料方面的分析與建模。理論的部份以大學部學生所受之基礎訓練下,僅限於關鍵方法與模型上主要推導為主。 課程目標: 建立對時間序列模型及方法的觀念與應用 能對時間序列資料進行一般的分析 使用R語言分析時間序列 課程內容包含以下: Time series data Stationary time series ARMAmodels Estimation of ARMA models ForecastingCourse Objectives and Contents Regarding the course content scope planned in the course overview, the teaching target is undergraduate students. Therefore, the course objectives will be more application and methodological understanding, as well as the analysis and modeling of data than the course content scope planned in the course overview. . The theoretical part is based on the basic training received by university students and is limited to the main derivation of key methods and models. Course objectives: Establish concepts and applications of time series models and methods Ability to perform general analysis of time series data Analyze time series using R language Course content includes the following: Time series data Stationary time series ARMAmodels Estimation of ARMA models Forecasting

課程概述 Course Description

A time series is a sequence of observations that are arranged according to the time of their outcome. Many recent applications of time series receive much of attention in financial areas. However, time series analysis has also exhibited its importance across many scientific areas for a long history and the desire of such analysis is still going on. This course is to provide introductory lessons in time series for the third and fourth year of undergraduates, who have major interests in statistics, and have finished some elementary courses, such as statistics, calculus, linear algebra and regression. The courses will be in three parts. The first part will be on the focus of regression, including a quick overall review of basics and an extension of regression modeling particularly required for time series data. The second part is aimed at the ARIMA models and seasonal models, which are traditional treatments established by Box and Jenkins. The third part is to introduce some new advances in time series or more real applications of time series models. Served as an undergraduate course, the topics will not be expected to go in great depth but to learn basic approach and to prepare background for further advanced studies.
A time series is a sequence of observations that are arranged according to the time of their outcome. Many recent applications of time series receive much of attention in financial areas. However, time series analysis has also demonstrated its importance across many scientific areas for a long history and the desire of such analysis is still going on. This course is to provide introductory lessons in time series for the third and fourth year of undergraduates, who have major interests in statistics, and have finished some elementary courses, such as statistics, calculus , linear algebra and regression. The courses will be in three parts. The first part will be on the focus of regression, including a quick overall review of basics and an extension of regression modeling particularly required for time series data. The second part is aimed at the ARIMA models and seasonal models, which are traditional treatments established by Box and Jenkins. The third part is to introduce some new advances in time series or more real applications of time series models. Served as an undergraduate course, the topics will not be expected to go in great depth but to learn basic approach and to prepare background for further advanced studies.

參考書目 Reference Books

Time Series Analysis
Jonathan D. Cryer • Kung-Sik Chan
With Applications in R
time series analysis Jonathan D. cry • kung-SI KC shout with application sin R

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance Attendance
quiz ES
Midterm ExamMidterm Exam
midterm exam
Final Report (期末分組報告-口頭及書面)Final Report (期末分組報告-口頭及書面)
Final Report (final group report-oral and written)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[M116]
授課教師 Teacher:黃愉閔
修課班級 Class:統計系2-4
選課備註 Memo:大數據資料群組(105-109適用)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 40 人。

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