course information of 109 - 1 | 1580 Survey Sampling(抽樣調查)

1580 - 抽樣調查 Survey Sampling

教育目標 Course Target

This course is aimed to learn and understand several important sampling schemes conducted in survey and major statistical applications. These sampling schemes include simple random sampling, stratified sampling, two-stage sampling, ratio and regression estimation, sampling with unequal probabilities. For the sampling process, the course deliver the detailed concepts and also statistical steps for carrying out the sampling and derive estimation using the samples. Some computational skills may require to be familiar with for doing the sampling analysis. Some modern sampling techniques or methods maybe further introduced in the course, such as bootstrap and jack knife.This course is aimed to learn and understand several important sampling schemes conducted in survey and major statistical applications. These sampling schemes include simple random sampling, stratified sampling, two-stage sampling, ratio and regression estimation, sampling with unequal probability. For the sampling process , the course deliver the detailed concepts and also statistical steps for carrying out the sampling and derive estimation using the samples. Some computing skills may require to be familiar with for doing the sampling analysis. Some modern sampling techniques or methods may further introduced in the course, such as bootstrap and jack knife.

課程概述 Course Description

The main purpose of this course is to introduce some commonly used statistical software in the industry or academic world, including Splus, SAS, SPSS and Excel. The course mainly covers how to use the relevant statistical methods provided by these software to perform actual data analysis.

參考書目 Reference Books

Sampling: Design & Analysis 2/e
+年份:2010 年2 版

Sampling: Design & Analysis 2/e
+Author: Lohr
+ Year: 2010 Edition
+ISBN: 9780495110842
+Book number: PS0366P
+ Specification: Flat/Single Color
+ Pages: 608
+Publisher: Brooks-Cole

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance Attendance
Quiz 1Quiz 1
quiz 1
Midterm ExamMidterm Exam
midterm exam
Final ExamFinal Exam
final exam
Quiz 2Quiz 2
quiz 2

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-1583 Survey Sampling / 抽樣調查 (統計系2B,授課教師:沈葆聖,一/1,2,二/1[M116])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/3,4,B[M101]
授課教師 Teacher:黃愉閔
修課班級 Class:統計系2A
選課備註 Memo:人工加選,曾修習統計學下期
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 102 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 102 人。

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