本課程的目標為幫助同學找尋人生志向,並訓練同學履歷與自傳的撰寫,此外,亦傳授工作面試的技巧。藉由以上的訓練,希望透過這門課培養同學進入職場前必須具備的能力。The goal of this course is to help students find their life aspirations and train them in resume and autobiography writing. In addition, it also teaches job interview skills. Through the above training, it is hoped that this course will cultivate the abilities that students must possess before entering the workplace.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
自傳與履歷自傳與履歷 Autobiography and resume |
35 | |
模擬面試模擬面試 mock interview |
35 | |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
30 |