course information of 109 - 1 | 1353 The Practice of Strategic Decision Making: Insights from(企業經營策略分析-思辨技巧與演練)

1353 - 企業經營策略分析-思辨技巧與演練 The Practice of Strategic Decision Making: Insights from

教育目標 Course Target

讓學生熟習策略管理相關理論及實務知識,透過策略議題要求學生思辨技巧,進行分組討論,預期培養出學生的策略性批判思考核心能力。It allows students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical and practical knowledge related to strategic management, requires students to think critically through strategic issues, and conducts group discussions, which is expected to cultivate students' core abilities in strategic critical thinking.

課程概述 Course Description

In an ever-changing business world, the faster you can discover and execute good strategies, the higher your business's chances of success. In business education, it is very important to cultivate the core ability of students' business strategy thinking, because it allows students to have sufficient pre-employment training experience when they participate in business decision-making in their future careers. This course will use relevant topics discussed in strategic management as case studies to bring you back to the essence of thinking. You will learn to use your own framework to derive answers to strategic issues, and even develop the ability to explore strategic issues that can be debated, allowing you to think in the future. Winning in the workplace depends on the core ability of strategic thinking.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 策略管理,朱文儀,陳建男譯,華泰文化,2017年
1. 邏輯思考的本質,津田久資著,悅知文化出版,2017年。
2. 問題背後的問題,陳正芬譯,遠流文化出版,2018年。
3. 你會問問題嗎:問對問題是成功領導的第一步,方吉人譯,臉譜文化出版,2010年。
4. 用五個為什麼找出問題的真因:TOYOTA獨步業界的解決力,台灣東販文化出版,2015年。
5. 新商業模式的思考,大前研一,平安叢書,2017年。
6. 思考邏輯的技術,大牌出版,2017年。
7. 複雜問題的策略思考與分析,大寫出版,2017年。
8. 麥肯錫顧問教你從菜鳥變成問題解決高手,商業週刊,2017年。
1. 工商時報 經營知識版
2. 商業週刊
3. EMBA世界經理文摘 每期國外期刊雜誌文章之翻譯,各期雜誌內容可查閱EMBA網站:www.emba.com.tw。
4. Harvard Business Review。
5. Fast Company magazine。
6. INC. Magazine。

1. Strategic Management, translated by Zhu Wenyi and Chen Jiannan, Huatai Culture, 2017
Reference books:
1. The Essence of Logical Thinking, written by Tsuda Kuzu, published by Yuezhi Culture, 2017.
2. The problem behind the problem, translated by Chen Zhengfen, published by Yuanliu Culture, 2018.
3. Can you ask questions: Asking the right questions is the first step to successful leadership, translated by Fang Jiren, published by Facebook Culture, 2010.
4. Use the Five Whys to find out the true cause of the problem: TOYOTA’s industry-unique solution capabilities, Taiwan Dongbu Culture Publishing, 2015.
5. Thoughts on new business models, Kenichi Ohmae, Ping An Series, 2017.
6. Technology for thinking logically, Dabai Publishing, 2017.
7. Strategic thinking and analysis of complex issues, Dahua Publishing, 2017.
8. McKinsey consultants teach you how to transform from a novice to a problem-solving expert, Business Weekly, 2017.
Reference papers, journals, newspapers and magazines:
1. Business Times Business Knowledge Edition
2. Business Week
3. EMBA World Manager's Digest is the translation of articles in each issue of foreign journals and magazines. The content of each issue of the magazine can be found on the EMBA website: www.emba.com.tw.
4. Harvard Business Review.
5. Fast Company magazine.
6. INC. Magazine.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attend and discuss
interim report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:李明煌
修課班級 Class:國貿系3,4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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