course information of 109 - 1 | 1343 Analysis of Business and Finance News(財經資訊解析)

1343 - 財經資訊解析 Analysis of Business and Finance News

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目標,在協助學生養成閱讀財經報章雜誌的習慣、並且培育學生對於財經資訊各層面的整合分析能力。透過修習本課程,學生面對國內外財經時事及國際金融市場的變化將有整體的概念,也因此具備看懂、解讀財經新聞對金融市場將會有何影響的分析能力。 課程內容包含兩大部分:(一)財經觀念及常用專有名詞/專業術語介紹,涵蓋投資指標及財務指標。同時會輔以財經時事之導讀及解析; (二)邀請業界專家學者針對當今財經議題及及金融現況進行專題演講. The goal of this course is to help students develop the habit of reading financial newspapers and magazines, and to develop students' ability to integrate and analyze all aspects of financial information. By taking this course, students will have an overall understanding of current domestic and international financial affairs and changes in the international financial market, and will therefore have the analytical ability to understand and interpret the impact of financial news on the financial market. The course content consists of two parts: (1) Introduction to financial concepts and commonly used nouns/terms, covering investment indicators and financial indicators. It will also be supplemented by an introduction and analysis of current financial affairs; (2) Invite industry experts and scholars to give special speeches on current financial and economic issues and the current financial situation.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程在協助學生養成閱讀財經報章雜誌的習慣、並且培育學生對於財經資訊各層面的整合分析能力。透過修習本課程,學生面對國內外財經時事及國際金融市場的變化將有整體的概念,也因此具備看懂、解讀財經新聞對金融市場將會有何影響的分析能力。 課程內容簡介:本課程將分兩大部份: 第一部份:財經基本觀念及常用專有名詞/專業 術語介紹。內容包括:1.投資指標:包含看懂基本面、資金面、消息面需要有的總體經濟及財經數據的專有名詞/專業術語解讀。2.財務指標:看懂產業面所需的財務報表分析基本知識。 第二部份:財經報紙新聞實例導讀。本部分將以各大財經報章的重要報導,包含國際財經、國際企業、兩岸財經、產業商機、金融、上市櫃公司、基金理財各版所刊載的訊息為導讀實例,引用第一篇所介紹的專有名詞/術語,逐步解釋新聞所敘述的事實、並進而評論該新聞未來的影響,及因應的投資決策、資產配置布局的考量等。
This course helps students develop the habit of reading financial newspapers and magazines, and develops students' ability to integrate and analyze all aspects of financial information. By taking this course, students will have an overall understanding of current domestic and international financial affairs and changes in the international financial market, and will therefore have the analytical ability to understand and interpret the impact of financial news on the financial market. Course content introduction: This course will be divided into two parts: Part One: Introduction to basic financial concepts and commonly used nouns/terms. The content includes: 1. Investment indicators: including the interpretation of proper nouns/professional terms of the overall economic and financial data needed to understand the fundamentals, capital and news. 2. Financial indicators: Basic knowledge of financial statement analysis required to understand the industry. Part 2: Introduction to financial newspaper news examples. This part will use important reports of major financial newspapers, including information published in the pages of international finance, international enterprises, cross-strait finance, industrial business opportunities, finance, listed OTC companies, and fund financial management, as examples, citing the first article. Proper nouns/terminology, gradually explain the facts described in the news, and then comment on the future impact of the news, as well as corresponding investment decisions, asset allocation layout considerations, etc.

參考書目 Reference Books

2. 財經解密/梁亦鴻著/宏典文化
1. Understand financial information in 3 days/by Liang Yihong/Baoding Publishing
2. Financial Decryption/Written by Liang Yihong/Hongdian Culture

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Daily results (attendance, class participation, etc.)
midterm exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[M155]
授課教師 Teacher:高惠娟
修課班級 Class:國貿系2-4
選課備註 Memo:與3433.3167課程為課程模組。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 101 人。

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