course information of 109 - 1 | 1235 Innovative Start Up Business Practice(創新與創業專題)

1235 - 創新與創業專題 Innovative Start Up Business Practice

教育目標 Course Target

本課程主要希望讓同學了解兩大部分,一方面是關於創業管理的理論與實務,一方面是生技產業基礎知識與產業發展概況。 本課程搭配教育部之生物科技創新創業人才培育計畫,透過跨領域(技術團隊+管理團隊)的組成,透過課堂講授、分組課後討論、 專家顧問指導、企業參訪等。 關於創業,我們是【玩真的】!!去年的課程結束後,已經真的成立了四家公司開始創業囉! 本課程開在研究所,也歡迎大學部有意願的同學選修。 任課老師於開學當週發放授課大綱。 1.透過環境與市場分析、專題演講與校外參訪擬定可開發之商機 2.了解技術、財務與人才規劃與管理 3.透過編組,進行創新與創業實務演練 (本課程需搭配暑假進行的課程與創業團隊實際運作,請先與企管系助教聯絡)This course mainly hopes to let students understand the two parts, on the one hand, the theory and practice of entrepreneurial management, and on the other hand, the basic knowledge and industry development overview of biotechnology industry. This course is combined with the Ministry of Education’s Biotechnology Innovation and Creative Talent Cultivation Plan, through the composition of cross-region (technology team + management team), through lectures and discussions after class, Expert consulting and guidance, enterprise visits, etc. Regarding the establishment, we are [playing the real thing]! After the course of last year, four companies have been established and started to start the establishment! This course is open in the institute, and students who are interested in college are welcome to choose from. The teacher Ren gave a lecture on the opening week. 1. Determine the commercial office that can be developed through environmental and market analysis, topical lectures and off-campus visits 2. Understand technology, finance, and talent planning and management 3. Through the organization, conduct innovative and creative practice (This course needs to be combined with the courses conducted during the summer vacation and the entrepreneurial team to work in actual operation. Please contact the Assistant Teaching Department of Business Management first)

參考書目 Reference Books

Suicang issued a lecture and supplementary article

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Group interaction and post-class learning
Final report
Class Participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11,12[M108]
授課教師 Teacher:許書銘/吳祉芸
修課班級 Class:企管系2-4
選課備註 Memo:歡迎大學部2年級以上加選,配合教育部「生技產業創新創業人才培育計畫」,以團隊方式討論
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 66 人。

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