course information of 109 - 1 | 1202 Business Model Design(商業模式設計)

1202 - 商業模式設計 Business Model Design

教育目標 Course Target

美國前教育部長 Richard Riley 表示:2010 年最迫切需要人才的十種工作在 2004 年時還不存在。我們必須教導我們的學生畢業後投入還不存在的工作,運用還未發明的技術,解決未曾想像過的問題。這代表同學要學會的不再是細枝末節的知識與技能,而是要學會創新與開創的方法,以及如何站在制高點思考各種問題,並且具備有動手做的能力(眼高手黑的能耐)。面對瞬息萬變的未來與社會環境快速變遷,同學必須學習「新叢林法則」,過去的生涯軌道是好學校通往好工作,然後一輩子無虞,現在有好學校不一定找得到好工作,找到好工作不見得待得了一輩子。因此本課程期使學生學習經營模式相關理論並結合互動式個案教學、實務演講與實務競賽,培養同學能辨識市場機會與經營模式分析與設計能力,了解企業營運模式的基本知識及可能遭遇的困難與挑戰,進而激發學習者之創新與創業精神,開拓未來潛在新事業之動能。Former U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley said: The ten most urgently needed jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004. We must teach our students to graduate into jobs that don’t yet exist, use technologies that haven’t been invented yet, and solve problems that haven’t been imagined yet. This means that what students need to learn is no longer detailed knowledge and skills, but rather how to innovate and create, how to think about various problems from a commanding height, and have the ability to do things by hand (the ability to have a good eye and a dark hand). Facing the ever-changing future and the rapid changes in the social environment, students must learn the "new law of the jungle". In the past, the career trajectory was that a good school led to a good job, and then there was no worries for life. Now, if you have a good school, you may not be able to find a good job. A job may not last a lifetime. Therefore, this course allows students to learn the relevant theories of business models and combines interactive case teaching, practical lectures and practical competitions to cultivate students' ability to identify market opportunities and business model analysis and design capabilities, and understand the basic knowledge of corporate operating models and possible difficulties they may encounter. and challenges, thereby stimulating learners’ innovation and entrepreneurial spirit and developing the momentum for potential new businesses in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.MIT黃金創業課/MIT黃金創業時建功略 Bill Aulet商業週刊
2. Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (2010) , Business Model Generation 價值主張年代,Wiley /天下
3.精實創業:用小時驗玩出大事業The Lean Startup,艾瑞克‧萊斯Eric Ries,行人出版社
4.設計一門好生意:自己動手,Step-by-step畫出未來新商機 早安財經
5.創新的10個原點:拆解2000家企業顛覆產業規則的創新思維 天下雜誌
6.The starup Owner's Manual創新創業教戰手冊Steve Blank, Bob Dorf華泰

1. MIT Golden Entrepreneurship Course/MIT Golden Entrepreneurship Strategies Bill Aulet Business Weekly
2. Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (2010), Business Model Generation Value Proposition Era, Wiley /天下
3. Lean Startup: Use hours of experimentation to create a big business The Lean Startup, Eric Ries, Pingren Publishing House
4. Design a good business: Do it yourself, Step-by-step to draw out new business opportunities in the future Good Morning Finance
5. The 10 origins of innovation: dismantling the innovative thinking of 2,000 companies that subvert industry rules Tianxia Magazine
6.The starup Owner's Manual Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Manual Steve Blank, Bob Dorf Huatai

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and Class Participation
30 上課參與包括上課提問、與老師的互動以及完成各周別任務
interim report
20 小組報告的成績
Final report
30 小組報告的成績(競賽與發表成績加分)
personal report
20 個人學習心得總結

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[M232]
授課教師 Teacher:黃開義/吳祉芸/金必煌
修課班級 Class:企管系3C
選課備註 Memo:創業與組織領導組必修;須與「創業組織設計與領導」課程一起修習。
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目前選課人數為 53 人。

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