本課程主要在介紹微積分的基本概念及其應用。期望使同學們認識一些常用的函數與數學工具,並對於基礎的極限與收斂性和微分積分有足夠的了解,幫助在其專業領域處理各種不同的問題。This course mainly introduces the basic concepts and applications of calculus. It is expected that students will be familiar with some commonly used functions and mathematical tools, and have sufficient understanding of basic limits, convergence and differential calculus to help them deal with various problems in their professional fields.
微積分是討論 ”極限(Limit)” 這一觀念的數學。有兩種特定的極限定義,分別稱作微分(Differentiation)和積分(Integration)。本課程之內容即為極限、微分、和積分之觀念及應用。
Calculus is mathematics that discusses the concept of "limit". There are two specific definitions of limits, called differentiation and integration. The content of this course is the concepts and applications of limits, differentials, and integrals.
L. D. Hoffmann and G. L. Bradley, Calculus For Business, Economics and the Social and Life Sciences, Brief 11th Ed.
l. D. Hoffman NAND G. l. Bradley, calculations for business, economics and social and life sciences, brief 11the.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
Homework Homework homework |
30 | 作業 |
Midterm examMidterm exam midterm exam |
30 | 期中考試 |
Final examFinal exam final exam |
35 | 期末考試 |
Attendance and discussionAttendance and discussion attendance and discussion |
5 | 出席率與課堂表現 |