傅柯所論「治理性」(governmentality)包含「權力技術」(technologies of power)與「自我技術」(technologies of the self)兩個方面,本課程將聚焦於後者。與權力技術作用於主體時的支配模式不同——這種支配造成了奴役狀態,自我技術(就其最積極的意義上說)則是主體以某種方式來改變並塑造自身的行動。這種行動既是倫理的,也是美學的,它使主體成為他所意願成為的樣子,因此也是一種自由的實踐。
課程中,我們鼓勵同學對當代文化保持敏銳的覺察,並對自己的生活賦予不同的想像,在回應傅柯的理論同時,把所學變成某種可能的自我實踐。Foucault's "governmentality" includes two aspects: "technologies of power" and "technologies of the self". This course will focus on the latter. Unlike the mode of domination in which technologies of power act on subjects, producing a state of servitude, technologies of the self (in its most positive sense) are actions by which subjects change and shape themselves in certain ways. This action is both ethical and aesthetic. It makes the subject become what he wants to be, and is therefore a practice of freedom.
This course will be divided into four units, providing an introduction to Foucault's late literature: technology of the self, ethics of pleasure, friendship and same-sex love, and enlightenment and freedom. First, through relevant texts, I outline Foucault’s self-technique and reveal the theoretical concerns behind it. Then enter the specific cases analyzed by Foucault: the Greeks' ethical reflection on pleasure (aphrodisia); the transformation of same-sex love into friendship (philia). The focus here is not to restate Foucault’s analysis of history, but rather the criticality and illumination of this analysis for contemporary times. Finally, following the previous discussion, we conclude with Foucault’s thoughts on enlightenment and freedom.
In the course, we encourage students to maintain a keen awareness of contemporary culture and give different imaginations to their own lives. While responding to Foucault's theory, they can turn what they have learned into some possible self-practice.
Written by Foucault, translated by She Biping: "History of Sexual Experience", Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2016.
Written by Foucault, edited by Wang Minan: "Techniques of the Self: Selected Works of Foucault III", Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015.
Written by Foucault, edited and selected by Du Xiaozhen: "The Collected Works of Foucault", Shanghai: Far East Publishing House, 2003.
Written by Foucault, edited by Bao Yaming, translated by Yan Feng: "The Eyes of Power—Interviews with Foucault", Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1997.
Note: The assigned reading text will be announced in class.
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