course information of 109 - 1 | 1054 Sport Health Big Data Application(運動健康大數據應用)

1054 - 運動健康大數據應用 Sport Health Big Data Application

教育目標 Course Target

本課程運動健康大數據應用將有計畫性地結合各種政府運動開放資料來源及網路社群,介紹數據收集爬蟲技術,進而教授文本分析統計技術,最後結合流行之地理圖資技術及基本運動感測物聯網,讓學生可以自由創作所需之運動社群地圖,供實際運動活動規劃及訓練所需,首先對運動大數據資料來源進行介紹,包括各種運動相關部落格如痞客邦、隨意窩日誌等,接著介紹運動生理量測物聯裝置,進而介紹使用方法,特別對與各種健身器材之關聯性進行介紹,接著介紹基本統計分析技術,如卡方分析、t檢定等,並結合雲端物聯社群介面進行資源共享;進而學習以物聯數據量測大數據之群組分享,最後以業界出題之運動活動規畫及訓練成效社群分享進行產學合作專題呈現,讓學生了解運動大數據應用的重要性,並應用到運動產業。使學生畢業後可以結合流行之物聯社群工具進行運動實務推廣,對國民之休閒娛樂及運動成效有莫大的助益。This course on sports and health big data application will systematically combine various government sports open data sources and online communities, introduce data collection crawler technology, then teach text analysis statistical technology, and finally combine popular geographical map technology and basic sports Sensing the Internet of Things allows students to freely create the sports community maps they need for actual sports activity planning and training. First, the sources of sports big data are introduced, including various sports-related blogs such as Pixnet and Suiyi Nest log, etc., then Introduces the sports physiological measurement IoT device, and then introduces how to use it, especially the correlation with various fitness equipment, and then introduces basic statistical analysis techniques, such as chi-square analysis, t-test, etc., combined with the cloud IoT community interface Share resources; then learn how to use IoT data to measure big data through group sharing. Finally, use industry-based community sharing of sports activity planning and training results to present industry-university cooperation topics, allowing students to understand the importance of sports big data applications. properties and applied to the sports industry. After graduation, students can use popular Internet of Things social tools to promote practical sports, which will be of great help to the people's leisure entertainment and sports results.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) Python:網路爬蟲與資料分析入門實戰,博碩書局,作者(林俊瑋, 林修博)
(2) 統計分析與R,五南書局,作者(陳正昌, 賈俊平)

(1) Python: A practical introduction to web crawlers and data analysis, Boshuo Bookstore, authors (Lin Junwei, Lin Xiubo)
(2) Statistical analysis and R, Wunan Bookstore, authors (Chen Zhengchang, Jia Junping)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/11,12,13[ST020]
授課教師 Teacher:石志雄/賴俊鳴
修課班級 Class:資工系2,3
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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