course information of 109 - 1 | 0889 Computer-Integrated and Flexible(電腦整合與彈性製造)

0889 - 電腦整合與彈性製造 Computer-Integrated and Flexible

教育目標 Course Target

讓學生在課堂上透過教學方式了解自動化系統的各模組架構,先從學習最基礎的空壓與電氣整合系統,之後再輔以可程式邏輯控制器(PLC)的基礎學習,讓學生學習到PLC的基本架構與程式編輯,最後結合空壓與電氣整合系統的基礎原理與PLC的知識實行機電整合,並以實際工廠產線為例規畫一個產線實際自動化的實例,另外,在學生具備空壓與電氣的原理以及PLC程式的撰寫能力之後,便會更進一步教導學生學習機器手臂的基礎原理與如操作使用機器手臂。Let students understand the module architecture of the automation system through teaching methods in the classroom, starting with learning the most basic air pressure and electrical integrated systems, and then supplementing it with basic learning of programmable logic controllers (PLC), allowing students to learn The basic structure and program editing of PLC, and finally the basics of pneumatic and electrical integrated systems Basic principles and knowledge of PLC are integrated electromechanically, and an actual factory production line is used as an example to plan an example of actual automation of the production line. In addition, after students have the principles of air pressure and electricity and the ability to write PLC programs, they will go one step further. Teach students the basic principles of robotic arms and how to operate them.

課程概述 Course Description

1. 對電腦整合製造與製造企業有較完整之概念 2. 了解利用電腦整合製程中所需的資訊處理及設計產品、計畫生產、控制生產等作業流程 3. 整合機械、電子與電腦系統等操作及控制生產自動化之科技 4. 了解FMS的基本架構及各組成子系統功能 5. 了解FMS輔助系統的重要性及運作模式 6. 了解分散式與集中式控制系統之差異 7. 藉由個案分析引導同學以實際研究對象培養系統規劃實作的能力
1. Have a more complete concept of computer integrated manufacturing and manufacturing enterprises 2. Understand the information processing and product design, planning and production control processes required in the computer integrated manufacturing process. 3. Technology that integrates mechanical, electronic and computer systems to operate and control production automation 4. Understand the basic architecture of FMS and the functions of each component subsystem 5. Understand the importance and operation mode of FMS auxiliary system 6. Understand the differences between decentralized and centralized control systems 7. Guide students through case analysis to develop the ability to plan and implement systems based on actual research objects.

參考書目 Reference Books

3.FESTO Mitsubishi手臂教材
1. FESTO teaching materials
2. Shilin Electric PLC textbook
3.FESTO Mitsubishi arm teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Homework and daily results (homework, attendance, internship attitude)
interim report
Final report

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相似課程 Related Course

選修-0890 Lab Work for Computer Integrated and Flexible Manufacturing / 電腦整合與彈性製造實作 (工工系3,4,授課教師:林育儒,三/13[職訓中心])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/10,11,12[職訓中心]
授課教師 Teacher:林育儒
修課班級 Class:工工系3,4
選課備註 Memo:設計生產組、由系辦統一加選。本課程為深碗型課程,需同時修習0890電腦整合與彈性製造實作。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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