course information of 109 - 1 | 0859 World Economy: Economics (I)(世界經濟:經濟學(上))

0859 - 世界經濟:經濟學(上) World Economy: Economics (I)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為上下學期各2學分,本學期為基礎個體經濟學為主之課程,目標讓學生了解經濟學的研究的議題及研究的工具。 以下是課程的內容: 第01章緒論 1.1經濟學的定義與內容 1.2生產可能曲線 1.3經濟活動循環周流 1.4經濟學的分類 第02章需求、供給與市場均衡 2.1需求的概念 2.2供給的概念 2.3市場供需均衡 2.4價格機制與價格管制 第03章效用與消費者行為 3.1效用分析 3.2邊際效用分析法 3.3無異曲線與其特性 3.4無異曲線分析法 3.5消費者剩餘、生產者剩餘與總剩餘 3.6價值的矛盾 第04章彈性的概念與應用 4.1彈性的定義與衡量 4.2影響需求價格彈性的因素 4.3需求彈性與總收入的關係 4.4供給價格彈性的意義與影響因素 4.5其他種類之彈性 第05章生產與成本 5.1生產函數 5.2短期與長期生產函數 5.3生產成本 5.4規模經濟 第06章完全競爭市場 6.1市場結構 6.2完全競爭廠商的收益 6.3完全競爭廠商的短期均衡分析 6.4完全競爭廠商的長期均衡分析 6.5完全競爭市場的效率 第07章不完全競爭市場 7.1獨占廠商的收益 7.2獨占廠商的短期均衡分析 7.3獨占廠商的長期均衡分析 7.4獨占與完全競爭的比較 7.5獨占性競爭廠商的均衡分析 7.6寡占市場 7.7賽局理論 第08章要素市場 8.1要素市場的基本概念 8.2廠商於要素市場中的均衡分析 8.3勞動市場 This course is 2 credits each in the upper and lower semesters. This semester is a course focusing on basic individual economics. The goal is to allow students to understand the research topics and research tools of economics. Here is what the course is about: Chapter 01 Introduction 1.1 Definition and content of economics 1.2 Production possibility curve 1.3 Circular flow of economic activities 1.4 Classification of Economics Chapter 02 Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium 2.1 Concept of demand 2.2 Concept of supply 2.3 Market supply and demand balance 2.4 Price mechanism and price control Chapter 03 Utility and Consumer Behavior 3.1 Utility analysis 3.2 Marginal utility analysis method 3.3 Indistinguishable curves and their characteristics 3.4 Indifference curve analysis method 3.5 Consumer surplus, producer surplus and total surplus 3.6 Contradiction of value Chapter 04 Concept and Application of Elasticity 4.1 Definition and measurement of elasticity 4.2 Factors affecting price elasticity of demand 4.3 The relationship between demand elasticity and total income 4.4 The significance and influencing factors of supply price elasticity 4.5 Other types of flexibility Chapter 05 Production and Cost 5.1 Production function 5.2 Short-run and long-run production functions 5.3 Production costs 5.4 Economies of scale Chapter 06 Perfectly Competitive Market 6.1 Market structure 6.2 Revenues of perfectly competitive firms 6.3 Short-term equilibrium analysis of perfectly competitive firms 6.4 Long-run equilibrium analysis of perfectly competitive firms 6.5 Efficiency of perfectly competitive markets Chapter 07 Imperfectly Competitive Market 7.1 Revenue of the exclusive manufacturer 7.2 Short-term equilibrium analysis of monopoly manufacturers 7.3 Long-term equilibrium analysis of monopoly manufacturers 7.4 Comparison between monopoly and perfect competition 7.5 Equilibrium Analysis of Exclusively Competing Firms 7.6 Oligopolistic market 7.7 Game Theory Chapter 08 Factor Market 8.1 Basic concepts of factor market 8.2 Equilibrium analysis of manufacturers in the factor market 8.3 Labor market

參考書目 Reference Books

經濟學概論 郭國興、李政德、陳勇誌著 (雙葉書局)
Introduction to Economics by Guo Guoxing, Li Zhengde, Chen Yongzhi (Shuangye Bookstore)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
45 以選擇題四選一為主
Didn't take exam
45 以選擇題四選一為主
Class discussion
5 將隨機抽點同學作課程討論

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[C202]
授課教師 Teacher:陳平河
修課班級 Class:工工系1B
選課備註 Memo:可認抵為通識社會領域課程
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 47 人。

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