認識Latex數學編輯軟體、Beamer與Matlab軟體的程式設計、符號運算、數值、繪圖、文字處理功能,及在大學數學對數學運算的免費軟體(線上微積分運算、解矩陣與矩陣相乘)。Understand the programming, symbolic operations, numerical, drawing, and word processing functions of Latex mathematical editing software, Beamer, and Matlab software, as well as free software for mathematical operations in college mathematics (online calculus operations, matrix solution, and matrix multiplication).
大家來學 LATEX
Introduction to MATLAB Programming (4th Edition)
Let’s learn LATEX
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告期中報告 interim report |
40 | 透過latex製作自己的一份報告。 |
期末考期末考 final exam |
20 | matlab的上機考試,測驗語法的熟練度。 |
課堂練習課堂練習 Class exercises |
30 | 每週會有兩小時的上課練習matlab跟latex。 |
出席出席 Attend |
10 | 點名與出席情況 |