本課程配合基因操作概論正課, 提供選課同學實作練習,以團體導向學習及討論方式,配合過去的研究經驗實例演示,期使大學部學生了解如何以基因操作技術學來探討科學實務問題的本質。This course is in conjunction with the regular course of gene operation overview, and provides students who choose classmate practice, group-oriented learning and discussion methods, and past research experience example demonstrations, so that college students can understand how to use genetic operation technology to explore the essence of scientific practical problems. .
Gene Cloning & DNA analysis, T.A. Brown, 7th edition
Gene cloning & DNA analysis, T.A. Brown, 7TH edition
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實作練習實作練習 Practice practice |
30 | |
分組作業分組作業 Sub-assembly |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 |