course information of 109 - 1 | 0475 Applied Physics Lab. (II)(應用物理實驗(二))

0475 - 應用物理實驗(二) Applied Physics Lab. (II)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目標在於讓學生認識與操作與材料與奈米物理相關的實驗.上學期以材料科學為主軸;下學期以奈米科技為主軸實施. 本學期主要內容為材料的製作;分析與物性的量測實驗.並輔以重要的近代物理相關實驗.讓學員能獲一完整的材料科學實驗的基本技能. 作為未來從事材料科學研究與就業的基礎知識與技能. 實驗一:熱電偶的特性與使用' 實驗二:奈米微粒製作 實驗三:材料的伸拉特性量測 實驗四:霍爾效應 實驗五:物理法治做奈米微粒 實驗六:STM實習 實驗七:奈米物質的光譜 實驗八:TEM實習The goal of this course is to allow students to understand and operate experiments related to materials and nanophysics. The first semester focused on materials science; the next semester will focus on nanotechnology. The main content of this semester is the production of materials; analysis and measurement experiments of physical properties. It is supplemented by important modern physics-related experiments so that students can acquire a complete basic skills of materials science experiments. As the basic knowledge and skills for future materials research and employment. Experiment 1: Characteristics and use of thermocouples' Experiment 2: Nanoparticle production Experiment 3: Measurement of tensile properties of materials Experiment 4: Hall Effect Experiment 5: Using physical laws to make nanoparticles Experiment 6: STM internship Experiment 7: Spectrum of Nanomaterials Experiment 8: TEM internship

課程概述 Course Description

課程目標: 培養學生核心能力 1.理解與運用物理、數學知識 2.數值計算與數據分析 3.陳述、分析與解決問題 4.實驗儀器原理的理解與實際操作 7.實驗、研究成果之撰寫與簡報 8.參與團隊合作與遵循專業倫理 課程內涵: 實驗一:黑體輻射 實驗二:放射光譜 實驗三:法蘭克赫茲實驗 實驗四:霍爾效應 實驗五:密立根油滴實驗 實驗六:杜倫杭德定理 實驗七:雷射偏振實驗 實驗八:干涉與干涉儀器
Course objectives: Cultivate students’ core competencies 1. Understand and apply physics and mathematics knowledge 2. Numerical calculation and data analysis 3. Present, analyze and solve problems 4. Understanding and practical operation of experimental instrument principles 7. Writing and presentation of experiments and research results 8. Participate in teamwork and follow professional ethics Course content: Experiment 1: Blackbody Radiation Experiment 2: Radiation Spectrum Experiment 3: Frank Hertz Experiment Experiment 4: Hall Effect Experiment 5: Millikan’s oil drop experiment Experiment 6: Durhamhand’s theorem Experiment 7: Laser Polarization Experiment Experiment 8: Interference and Interference Instruments

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-compiled handouts

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
20 出席狀況及學習態度
Experimental forecast
Experiment result report
Final operation test

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/1,2,3,4[ST211]
授課教師 Teacher:王昌仁
修課班級 Class:應物系3
選課備註 Memo:材奈類實驗。9/14(一)8:10於ST211實驗室進行安全講解,未經同意無故未到,將予退選,助教李紹寬;人工加選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 26 人。

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