course information of 109 - 1 | 0459 Fundamental Computational Physics(基礎計算物理)

0459 - 基礎計算物理 Fundamental Computational Physics

教育目標 Course Target

計算物理顧名思義就是有物理的內涵又包括寫程式的計算機應用,我們最主要的目的是希望訓練大學部的同學,能夠養成寫程式的習慣,把目前我們生活中經常可以使用的個人電腦、平板電腦或者是手機,變成我們學習和工作的良好工具。同時物理問題是培養良好的邏輯思維的應用領域,選擇物理問題來做編寫程式的練習,可以增加學習的興趣並且可以作為專題訓練的挑戰。我們可以想像日常生活中,經常遭遇到的拋體問題就是一個典型的例子。所有的物理老師都會告訴同學們,牛頓所發展出來的古典力學是那麼精確的可以藉由一個物體初始的位置、初始的速度大小和方向,利用微分方程式就能解出這個物體射出之後未來的軌跡。我們可以想像這樣一個只考慮重力作用的理想化問題,如果能夠用計算機的計算能力和繪圖能力把整個過程製作成為動畫,那麼將非常有助於我們對於整個運動過程的理解。然而在真實的物理環境中,除了重力之外還要考慮空氣的阻力、地球的自轉等等因素,如果要在真實的環境中追蹤拋體的軌跡那麼我們必須利用計算機的強大計算能力來掌握。 python是一個可以簡易學習的程式語言,同學們可以很快速的學會這個語言,並且應用在物理學和運動學當中,更進一步利用vpython設計好的視覺化模組,可以快速地將運動的內涵用動畫或者繪圖的方式呈現出來,有助於我們培養良好的物理直覺,同時也學會了程式設計的基本精神。課程的進行方式除了利用投影片的說明之外,也利用多媒體影片的播放來提高同學的學習興趣。本課程的授課方式將透過網路課程方式進行,同學們可在東海磨課師 (moocs)平台上依據課程進度,收看影片課程,習題演練及線上發問。 本授課團隊將安排一次有人員監考的嚴格實體考試,來決定學生的學習成效與成績評定。希望修課的同學都能依照教學團隊編定的學習進度,按時進行教學影片的聽講,動手完成作業並且堅持到最後參與實體筆試,就能得到東海大學的2學分修課證明,得於註冊就讀後申請抵免,為你的網路學習加分。 As the name suggests, computational physics has the connotation of physics and includes computer applications of writing programs. Our main purpose is to train undergraduate students to develop the habit of writing programs and integrate them into the personal computers and tablet computers that are often used in our lives. Or mobile phones, which have become a good tool for us to study and work. At the same time, physics problems are an application field for cultivating good logical thinking. Choosing physics problems for programming exercises can increase learning interest and serve as a challenge for special training. We can imagine that the projectile problem that we often encounter in daily life is a typical example. All physics teachers will tell their students that the classical mechanics developed by Newton is so precise that based on the initial position, initial velocity and direction of an object, and using differential equations, the future trajectory of the object after it is ejected can be solved. . We can imagine such an idealized problem that only considers the effect of gravity. If we can use the computing power and drawing power of computers to animate the entire process, it will be very helpful for our understanding of the entire motion process. However, in a real physical environment, in addition to gravity, factors such as air resistance and the rotation of the earth must also be considered. If we want to track the trajectory of the projectile in a real environment, we must use the powerful computing power of the computer to master it. Python is a programming language that can be easily learned. Students can quickly learn this language and apply it in physics and kinematics. Furthermore, using the visualization module designed by vpython, the connotation of motion can be quickly applied to Presented in the form of animation or drawing, it helps us develop good physical intuition and at the same time learn the basic spirit of programming. In addition to using slides to explain the course, the course also uses multimedia video playback to enhance students' interest in learning. The teaching method of this course will be through online courses. Students can watch video courses, practice exercises and ask questions online according to the course progress on the MOOCS platform. The teaching team will arrange a rigorous physical examination with invigilation to determine the students' learning effectiveness and performance evaluation. It is hoped that students who take the course can follow the learning progress set by the teaching team, listen to the teaching videos on time, complete the homework and persist until the end to take the physical written examination. They will receive a 2-credit course certificate from Tunghai University and be eligible for registration. Apply for credits after enrolling to add points to your online studies.

參考書目 Reference Books

Please refer to the online book:
please refer TOT and online book: Phys exp.Taihu.Quota.Taiwan/~Gloomy/CP1

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exammidterm exam
midterm exam
final examfinal exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3[C220] Thursday/1,2[ST020]
授課教師 Teacher:陳永忠
修課班級 Class:應物系1
選課備註 Memo:電腦教室;I類選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 60 人。

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