本課程主要目標為自我探索,協助學生透過創造、遊戲、團體互動以及運用多元媒材(繪畫、黏土、桌遊、牌卡、電影賞析等)方式,了解家庭、學校、社會層面對自身成長經驗之影響,並藉由個人的自我特質、於團體中所扮演的角色,溝通技巧、情緒表現、價值觀、對生命議題等面向進行探討,進行深度的自我了解,從而發展出同理、悲憫他人,接納自己優、劣勢之能力,並於未來將課堂中所啟發之個人爭向自我經驗帶入日常生活以及未來職場中,提升己身競爭能力。The main goal of this course is self-exploration to help students understand the impact of family, school, and society on their own growth through creation, games, group interactions, and the use of multiple media (painting, clay, board games, cards, film appreciation, etc.) The influence of experience, and through the individual's self-characteristics and role in the group, Discuss communication skills, emotional expression, values, life issues, etc., and gain in-depth self-understanding, thereby developing the ability to empathize, be compassionate to others, accept one's own strengths and weaknesses, and use the personal struggles inspired in the class in the future. Bring your own experience into your daily life and future workplace to enhance your own competitiveness.
塔莎.歐里希(2018)。深度洞察力:克服認知偏見,喚醒自我覺察,看清內在的自己,也了解別人如何看待你(錢基蓮 譯)。台北市:時報出版。(原著出版年:2017)
Tasha. Eurich (2018). Deep insight: Overcome cognitive biases, awaken self-awareness, see your inner self clearly, and understand how others see you (translated by Qian Jilian). Taipei: Times Publishing. (Original publication year: 2017)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
40 | 1. 3次無故缺課即不及格;2.課堂參與討論狀況 |
期中報告期中報告 interim report |
20 | 寫給未來自己的一封信 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 | 小組分享:翻轉創意,創造探索自我的遊戲 |