course information of 109 - 1 | 0428 Exploring the Cluture & History of Dadu Terrace(自我探索:山海遊踨-大肚山文史踏查 )

0428 - 自我探索:山海遊踨-大肚山文史踏查 Exploring the Cluture & History of Dadu Terrace

教育目標 Course Target

東海大學坐落於臺中大肚山東側山麓,素來以校地廣大、綠意盎然著稱,更是在地深耕多年的優秀學府。本著求真、篤信、力行的校訓,東海期許每一位學生皆能盡情發揮,驗證所學,回饋社會。 早年東海亨德教授當年的遺澤,大肚山頂南寮社區的居民至今感念不已。司馬中原的小說《啼明鳥》中曾寫到,亨德博士這樣說過:『一所大學,假如對她四周的社會和環境毫無影響作用的話,這所大學便將失去她存在的價值了。……要記住,大學的門,不是開向象牙之塔,而是直接開向社會的。』(頁51)那是將無私奉獻根植於大肚山上,並且欣喜迎來沛雨甘霖,開出繁花璀璨如錦的故事。 正是這種主動關懷、積極實踐的精神,本課程擬將森林般的東海校園當成一間大教室,而整座大肚山將是我們的圖書館,這裡的一草一木、一人一物都是豐富的典藏。期許學生透過本課程皆能施施而行,漫漫而游,徜徉於書堆之際,藉由走讀文史地景,落實通識教育兼顧自然、人文、社會的核心素養。Tunghai University is located at the foothills on the east side of Dadu Mountain in Taichung. It has always been known for its vast campus and lush greenery. It is also an excellent institution that has been deeply involved in the area for many years. In line with the school motto of seeking truth, believing deeply, and practicing hard, Donghai hopes that every student can give full play to their abilities, verify what they have learned, and give back to the society. The residents of the Nanliao community on the top of Dadu Mountain are still deeply grateful for the legacy of Professor Donghai Hengde in his early years. In Sima Zhongyuan's novel "The Song of Bright Birds", it was written that Dr. Hend said: "If a university has no impact on the society and environment around it, it will lose the value of its existence." . ...We must remember that the door of the university does not open to the ivory tower, but directly to the society. ” (Page 51) That is the story of selfless dedication rooted in Dadu Mountain, and the joyful rain and rain, and the blossoming of flowers as bright as brocade. It is this spirit of active care and active practice that this course plans to treat the forest-like Donghai Campus as a large classroom, and the entire Dadu Mountain will be our library, where every plant, tree, person and object All are rich collections. It is expected that through this course, students will be able to do things, wander around, wander among the piles of books, and implement the core competencies of general education that take into account nature, humanities, and society by reading about cultural and historical landscapes.

參考書目 Reference Books

Self-edited teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm results
25 期中考(分組報告)
final grade
25 期末考(分組報告)
Attendance results
25 上課點名、學習態度
usual results
25 隨堂測驗、網路作業

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/9,10[C113]
授課教師 Teacher:乃俊廷
修課班級 Class:應物系,化學系1
選課備註 Memo:理學院大學院課程;可認抵為通識人文域課程。不開放選課,人工加選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 23 人。

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