course information of 109 - 1 | 0426 Overseas internship(海外實習)

0426 - 海外實習 Overseas internship

教育目標 Course Target

為增加理學院學生學用合一的能力,並提升學生職場競爭力,參照「東海大學校外實習委員會設置要點」,特開設「海外實習」課程(2學分)。學生在課程中須至與東海大學理學院正式簽約之海外產業機構進行實習,期滿後將頒發實習證書。修課同學需經過本院資格審查,及實習企業的甄選錄取,始能修習本課程。實習過程中,除了接受任課教師的輔導與監督外,實習企業也會指派一名企業導師在工作的職位進行指導。實習生需依照企業導師指導,在企業實際工作,藉由實作來學習工作態度、技能及實務上的專業知識。希望透過本課程,同學能及時調整自己的學習及工作心態,更確立未來方向,並為將來進入實務界做準備。In order to increase the ability of students in the Faculty of Science to integrate learning with application and enhance students' competitiveness in the workplace, the "Overseas Internship" course (2 credits) is specially opened with reference to the "Key Points for the Establishment of the Off-Campus Internship Committee of Tunghai University". During the course, students are required to conduct internships in overseas industrial institutions that have officially signed a contract with the School of Science of Tunghai University. Upon expiration, an internship certificate will be issued. Students taking this course must pass the qualification review of our college and the selection and admission of the internship company before they can study this course. During the internship process, in addition to receiving guidance and supervision from the teachers, the intern company will also assign a corporate mentor to provide guidance at the work position. Interns need to follow the guidance of corporate mentors and actually work in the company to learn work attitudes, skills and practical professional knowledge through practice. It is hoped that through this course, students can adjust their learning and work mentality in a timely manner, establish their future direction, and prepare for entering the practical world in the future.

參考書目 Reference Books


評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:楊定亞
修課班級 Class:理學院2-4
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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