course information of 109 - 1 | 0382 Introduction to Buddhism(知識與實在:佛學概論)

0382 - 知識與實在:佛學概論 Introduction to Buddhism

教育目標 Course Target

  佛學的發展立基於各個根本理論,面對不同的文化背景,發展了十分精彩也十分繁瑣的義理與哲思。本課程的設計首先將介紹當前國內外佛學研究的學術資訊與工具,其中包含了慣用的電子資料庫與網路資源,使得學生在學習上有參考的研究方法與依據。再者,從思想史的角度闡述佛學興起的背景,以及其對於時代反省的意義,接著深入介紹佛學義理的基本理論與內涵。本課程在課程的討論上也將以哲學問題作為主軸來穿針引線,從佛學各個不同的學派與思想,引導學生們慢慢認識與理解佛教哲學。希望透過這樣的學習與訓練,能夠讓學生們從認識佛學,進而有獨立閱讀佛學文本以及反思其中哲學問題的能力。 The development of Buddhism is based on various fundamental theories, and in the face of different cultural backgrounds, it has developed very exciting and complex doctrines and philosophies. The design of this course will first introduce the current academic information and tools for Buddhist research at home and abroad, including commonly used electronic databases and online resources, so that students can have reference research methods and basis for their studies. Furthermore, from the perspective of intellectual history, it explains the background of the rise of Buddhism and its significance for the reflection of the times, and then introduces in depth the basic theory and connotation of Buddhist doctrine. This course will also use philosophical issues as the main thread in the discussion of the course, guiding students to slowly understand and understand Buddhist philosophy from various schools and ideas of Buddhism. It is hoped that through such learning and training, students will be able to understand Buddhism and then have the ability to independently read Buddhist texts and reflect on philosophical issues.

課程概述 Course Description

一、該課程在系所的定位 佛學概論為中文系課程四大群組中「學術思想組」所屬之選修課程。 二、所教授的專業能力 本課程所教授者並非專業學術研究之能力,只是對佛教哲學的一般認識能力。 三、授課內容: 一、佛學基本教理: 1、緣起性空 2、二障 3、三界六道 4、三法印 5、四諦 6、十二因緣 7、五戒十善 8、六度 9、二乘、三乘、五乘 10、體相用、因緣果 二、印度佛教簡史: 1、世尊前的印度哲學 2、根本佛教 3、原始佛教 4、部派佛教 5、大乘佛教之興起 6、大乘初期之般若思想 7、大乘中期之唯識與如來藏思想 8、大乘晚期佛教之秘密化 三、中國佛教簡史: 1.東漢佛教之傳入 2.魏晉之佛教 3.南北朝之佛教 4.中國佛教各宗派之興起 四、中國佛教大乘八宗簡介: 1、三論宗 2、唯識宗 3、禪宗 4、天台宗 5、華嚴宗 6、律宗 7、淨土宗 8、密宗 四、課程的教學目標: 本課程之目的在訓練學生具備對印度傳來之佛學的基本認識。以使得學生在中國學術思想史的研讀之中可以理解中國思想與印度佛學相互影響所產生的思想內容。 五、學生通過此課程時後所培養的能力: 學生通過此課程之後,能培養出對佛教與佛學的基本認識,可以去除一般人對佛教的許多誤解。並具備與其他宗教比較的基本能力。
1. Positioning of this course in the department Introduction to Buddhism is an elective course belonging to the "Academic Thought Group" among the four major groups of the Chinese Department. 2. Professional abilities taught What this course teaches is not professional academic research skills, but general understanding of Buddhist philosophy. 3. Teaching content: 1. Basic teachings of Buddhism: 1. Emptiness of dependent origination 2. Two obstacles 3. Three realms and six paths 4. Three seals 5. Four truths 6. Twelve causes and conditions 7. Five Precepts and Ten Good Deeds 8. Six Perfections 9. Two Vehicles, Three Vehicles, and Five Vehicles 10. Physical Interaction, Cause and Effect 2. A brief history of Indian Buddhism: 1. Indian philosophy before the Lord Buddha 2. Fundamental Buddhism 3. Primitive Buddhism 4. Tribal Buddhism 5. The rise of Mahayana Buddhism 6. Prajna thought in the early Mahayana period 7. Consciousness-only and Tathagatagarbha thoughts in the middle Mahayana period 8. The secrets of late Mahayana Buddhism change 3. A brief history of Chinese Buddhism: 1. The introduction of Buddhism in the Eastern Han Dynasty 2. Buddhism in the Wei and Jin Dynasties 3. Buddhism in the Southern and Northern Dynasties 4. The rise of various sects of Chinese Buddhism 4. Introduction to the Eight Mahayana Schools of Chinese Buddhism: 1. San Lun Sect 2. Consciousness Only Sect 3. Zen Sect 4. Tiantai Sect 5. Huayan Sect 6. Vinaya Sect 7. Pure Land Sect 8. Tantric Sect 4. Teaching objectives of the course: The purpose of this course is to train students to have a basic understanding of Buddhism from India. This enables students to understand the ideological content resulting from the mutual influence of Chinese thought and Indian Buddhism when studying the history of Chinese academic thought. 5. Abilities developed by students after passing this course: After students pass this course, they can develop a basic understanding of Buddhism and Buddhist studies, and can eliminate many misunderstandings about Buddhism that ordinary people have. And have the basic ability to compare with other religions.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Rupert Gethin, The Foundations of Buddhism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
2. William Edelglass and Jay L. Garfield ed., Buddhist Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2009.
3. 林朝成、郭朝順,《佛學概論》,臺北:三民書局,2000年。
4. 吳汝鈞,《印度佛學的現代詮釋》,臺北:文津,1994。
5. 吳汝鈞,《中國佛學的現代詮釋》,臺北:文津,1995。
6. 劉貴傑,《佛教哲學》,臺北:五南,2006年。
1. Rupert Gethin, The Foundations of Buddhism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.
2. William Edelglass and Jay L. Garfield ed., Buddhist Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 2009.
3. Lin Chaocheng and Guo Chaoshun, "Introduction to Buddhism", Taipei: Sanmin Publishing House, 2000.
4. Wu Rujun, "Modern Interpretation of Indian Buddhism", Taipei: Wenjin, 1994.
5. Wu Rujun, "Modern Interpretation of Chinese Buddhism", Taipei: Wenjin, 1995.
6. Liu Guijie, "Buddhist Philosophy", Taipei: Wunan, 2006.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
final exam
usual results
30 包含出席率(20%)、平時課堂討論(10%)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[H307]
授課教師 Teacher:嚴瑋泓
修課班級 Class:哲學系2-4
選課備註 Memo:專題
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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