course information of 109 - 1 | 0378 Liberalism(社會與政治:自由主義)

0378 - 社會與政治:自由主義 Liberalism

教育目標 Course Target

自由主義是西方當代社會與政治的重要理念,其興起背景、形成論述與演進的過程、影響,及之後所引發的各種挑戰與批判,到自由主義後繼者所作的補充與回應,構成了政治哲學一場場精彩的論辯,是切入政治哲學一條重要的思想線索。本課程企圖對自由主義進行最精要的介紹與討論,尤其是其背景與問題意識的釐清,希望藉由這些精要的討論能理解西歐與美國為主的西方政治社會關於政治自由、經濟自由的核心價值為何。另外,在自由主義思想發展的過程中,包括社會主義、保守主義、社群主義等的批判亦點出了自由主義的問題;藉由暸解這些問題,也能讓我們暸解西方繼自由主義興起以降在政治、社會與經濟所面臨的諸多挑戰與問題,如何因這些論辯的開展而引出不同的政治路線與實際的變動。 我們希望透過這門課的討論,能讓同學對自由主義的演變與不同分支所關注的問題有基本的認識,從而認識隨西方政治模式而形塑而成的當代民主社會所面臨的問題及可能的因應之道。 Liberalism is an important concept in contemporary Western society and politics. The background of its rise, the process of its formation and evolution, its influence, and the various challenges and criticisms it subsequently triggered, as well as the supplements and responses made by liberal successors, constitute political philosophy. The wonderful debates are an important ideological clue to political philosophy. This course attempts to provide the most essential introduction and discussion to liberalism, especially the clarification of its background and awareness of issues. It is hoped that through these essential discussions, we can understand the political freedom and economic freedom in Western political societies dominated by Western Europe and the United States. What are the core values ​​of . In addition, in the process of the development of liberal thought, criticisms including socialism, conservatism, communitarianism, etc. also pointed out the problems of liberalism. By understanding these problems, we can also understand the decline of Western liberalism since the rise of liberalism. How the many challenges and problems faced in politics, society and economy have led to different political lines and practical changes as a result of these debates. We hope that through the discussion in this course, students will have a basic understanding of the evolution of liberalism and the issues concerned by different branches, so as to understand the problems and possibilities faced by contemporary democratic societies shaped by the Western political model. way to respond.

參考書目 Reference Books

霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)(1996)《利維坦》。黎思復、黎廷弼 譯。北京:商務印書館。
洛克(John Locke)(1997)《政府論.下篇》。葉啟芳、瞿菊農 譯。北京:商務印書館。
密爾(J. S. Mill)(2006)《論自由》。許寶騤 譯。北京:商務印書館。
盧梭(1997)《社會契約論》。何兆武 譯。北京:商務印書館。
羅爾斯(John Rawls)(1988)《正義論》。何懷宏、何包鋼、廖申白 譯。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
約翰・格雷(John Gray)(1993)《自由主義》。傅鏗、姚欣榮 譯。台北:桂冠圖書。
約翰.普倫德(John Plender)(2017)《資本主義:金錢、道德與市場》。陳儀 譯。台北:聯經出版。
理查.威金森(Richard Wilkinson)、凱特.皮凱特(Kate Pickett)(2019)《社會不平等:為何國家越富裕,社會問題越多?》。黃佳瑜 譯。台北:時報文化。
理查.威金森、凱特.皮凱特(2019)《收入不平等:為何他人過得越好,我們越焦慮?》。黃佳瑜 譯。台北:時報文化。

Thomas Hobbes (1996) Leviathan. Translated by Li Sifu and Li Tingbi. Beijing: Commercial Press.
John Locke (1997) "Treatise of Government." "Next Chapter". Translated by Ye Qifang and Qu Junong. Beijing: Commercial Press.
J. S. Mill (2006) On Liberty. Translated by Xu Baoqian. Beijing: Commercial Press.
Rousseau (1997) The Social Contract. Translated by He Zhaowu. Beijing: Commercial Press.
John Rawls (1988) A Theory of Justice. Translated by He Huaihong, He Baogang, and Liao Shenbai. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
John Gray (1993) Liberalism. Translated by Fu Keng and Yao Xinrong. Taipei: Laurel Books.
John. John Plender (2017) Capitalism: Money, Morality and Markets. Translated by Chen Yi. Taipei: Lianjing Publishing House.
Richard. Richard Wilkinson, Kate. Kate Pickett (2019) “Social Inequality: Why Do Richer Countries Have More Social Problems? 》. Translated by Huang Jiayu. Taipei: Times Culture.
Richard. Wilkinson, Kate. Picquet (2019) Income inequality: Why do we become more anxious when others are better off? 》. Translated by Huang Jiayu. Taipei: Times Culture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
50 出缺席及上課表現、小作業或指定議題討論。
midterm exam
20 期中筆試。
final exam
30 期末筆試。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[H105]
授課教師 Teacher:林盈銓
修課班級 Class:哲學系2-4
選課備註 Memo:西哲
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 40 人。

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