Liberalism is an important concept of contemporary Western society and politics. It has aroused the background, formed the process and influence of the argument and evolution, and the various challenges and criticisms that were triggered afterwards, and the supplementary and responses made by the followers of liberalism, forming political philosophy. A wonderful discussion on the scene is an important ideological thread that enters political philosophy. This course plans to introduce and discuss liberalism in the most important way, especially the clarification of its background and problem concepts. We hope that through these essential discussions, we can understand the Western political and social affairs dominated by Western Europe and the United States about political freedom and economic freedom. What is the core value of In addition, in the process of the development of liberalism, criticisms including socialism, conservatism, communityism, etc. also point out the problems of liberalism; by solving these problems, we can also understand the rise and fall of Western liberalism. How many challenges and problems faced by politics, society and economy lead to different political routes and actual changes due to the development of these arguments.
We hope that through this discussion, students can have a basic understanding of the evolution of liberalism and the issues concerned by different branches, and then the problems and possibilities faced by contemporary democratic societies formed by Western political models. The way to respond.
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洛克(John Locke)(1997)《政府論.下篇》。葉啟芳、瞿菊農 譯。北京:商務印書館。
密爾(J. S. Mill)(2006)《論自由》。許寶騤 譯。北京:商務印書館。
盧梭(1997)《社會契約論》。何兆武 譯。北京:商務印書館。
羅爾斯(John Rawls)(1988)《正義論》。何懷宏、何包鋼、廖申白 譯。北京:中國社會科學出版社。
約翰・格雷(John Gray)(1993)《自由主義》。傅鏗、姚欣榮 譯。台北:桂冠圖書。
約翰.普倫德(John Plender)(2017)《資本主義:金錢、道德與市場》。陳儀 譯。台北:聯經出版。
理查.威金森(Richard Wilkinson)、凱特.皮凱特(Kate Pickett)(2019)《社會不平等:為何國家越富裕,社會問題越多?》。黃佳瑜 譯。台北:時報文化。
理查.威金森、凱特.皮凱特(2019)《收入不平等:為何他人過得越好,我們越焦慮?》。黃佳瑜 譯。台北:時報文化。
Thomas Hobbes (1996) "Levitan". Li Siyi and Li Tingbi translated. Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
John Locke (1997) "Government Discussion. Next article》. Ye Qifang and Qu Ju farming. Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
J. S. Mill (2006) Freedom of the Discussion. Thank you for sharing. Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
Lusso (1997) Social Contract Discussion. He Zhaowu translated. Beijing: Commercial Printing Library.
John Rawls (1988) "About the Righteousness". He Qinghong, He Baosteel, Liao Shenbai. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.
John Gray (1993) Liberalism. Fu Yang and Yao Xinrong translated. Taipei: Laurel Book.
John. John Plender (2017) "Mainland Idea: Money, Morality and Market". Chen Yi. Taipei: Published in the Internet.
Richard. Richard Wilkinson, Kate. Kate Pickett (2019) Social Inequality: Why is the richer the country, the more social problems? 》. Huang Jiayu translated. Taipei: Time culture.
Richard. Wikinson, Kat. Piccet (2019) "Income Inequality: Why do we worry the better others get? 》. Huang Jiayu translated. Taipei: Time culture.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
50 | 出缺席及上課表現、小作業或指定議題討論。 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 期中筆試。 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 | 期末筆試。 |