宋明理學是在儒家在先秦儒學之後的另一個高峰,其中涉及天道論、心性論、工夫論等討論。當代學者對該時期的研究也有各種說法,像是傳統的心學與理學之分、牟宗三的三系說,勞思光的一系三階段說,這些說法都讓我們可以從不同角度切入理解宋明理學。本課程目的是讓修課者對宋明理學有由淺入深的理解,透過原典閱讀了解中國哲學獨特的說理方式,並養成獨立思考的能力,為日後進一步的儒學研究鋪路。為了達成上述課程目標,本課程將從檢視當代的宋明理學研究出發,然後引領修課者閱讀相關原典。Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties was another peak of Confucianism after the Confucianism in the Pre-Qin Dynasty, which involved discussions on the theory of heaven, the theory of mind, and the theory of gongfu. Contemporary scholars also have various opinions on the study of this period, such as the traditional distinction between psychology and Neo-Confucianism, Mou Zongsan’s three-line theory, and Lao Siguang’s one-line and three-stage theory. These opinions allow us to understand it from different angles. Neo-Confucianism of Song and Ming Dynasties. The purpose of this course is to enable students to have a basic and progressive understanding of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties, to understand the unique reasoning methods of Chinese philosophy through reading original texts, and to develop the ability to think independently, paving the way for further Confucian research in the future. In order to achieve the above-mentioned course goals, this course will start from examining contemporary Neo-Confucian research in the Song and Ming Dynasties, and then lead course students to read relevant original texts.
"Mind and Nature" (three volumes in total), (complete edition), Mou Zongsan, Taipei: Lianjing Publishing, 2003.
"From Lu Xiangshan to Liu Jishan", (complete edition), Mou Zongsan, Taipei: Lianjing Publishing, 2003.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
40 | 申論題 |
期末考期末考 final exam |
40 | 申論題 |
出席率出席率 Attendance |
20 | 待補 |