course information of 109 - 1 | 0371 Mencius(原典:《孟子》)

0371 - 原典:《孟子》 Mencius

教育目標 Course Target

在眾多的東方思想中,儒家思想被認為是其中最重要之一,而孟子是僅次於孔子的儒家代表人物,要正確理解儒家思想就必須掌握《孟子》這本經典的內容。本課程將以《孟子》中的幾個概念區分作為切入點引導同學理解孟子思想,它們分別是人禽之辨、義利之辨、王霸之辨與夷夏之辨,並進而根據這些區分了解孟子的道德哲學或傳統所謂的「心性論」與「修養工夫論」,以及了解孟子的政治哲學或傳統所謂的「王道思想」。就具體主題而言,第一在孟子道德哲學方面,釐清「性善說」的確切意涵;第二是「四端之心」與性善之間的關係;第三是「知言養氣」與道德實踐行動力之間的關係。在政治哲學方面,首先釐清「義利之辨」在政治上的確切意涵;其次討論孟子在政治上的王道思想是民主思想還是民本思想的問題;第三討論孟子的「夷夏之辨」蘊含的夏文化中心之問題。《孟子》作為一部經典意謂著它對人們的意義不侷限在其成書的年代,因此,整個課程除了力圖幫助同學們優游於古典的世界,了解孟子身處的時代與他回應時代問題的方式之外,也希望同學們藉著個人研讀與相互討論思考《孟子》在當代的意義。Among the many Eastern thoughts, Confucianism is considered to be one of the most important ones, and Mencius is a representative Confucian figure only after Confucius. To correctly understand Confucianism, one must master the content of the classic "Mencius". This course will use several conceptual divisions in Mencius as the starting point to guide students to understand Mencius's thoughts. They are the distinction between man and bird, the distinction between profit, the distinction between kings and dominance, and the distinction between barbarians and the distinction between barbarians and summers, and then understand Mencius' moral philosophy or traditional "minority theory" and "cultivation time theory", as well as the "kingdom thought" that Mencius' political philosophy or tradition. As for specific topics, first, in Mencius' moral philosophy, clear the exact meaning of "speaking good nature"; second, the relationship between "four-end minds" and good nature; third, the relationship between "knowing words and nourishing atmosphere" and moral practical action. In terms of political philosophy, first, clarify the political meaning of "distinguishing the meaning of the power"; second, discuss the problem of whether Mencius's political kingly thought was democratic or people-oriented thought; third, discuss the problem of the Xia cultural center of Su Han in "distinguishing the meaning of the power of the barbarians and Xia". As a classical meaning, Mencius said that its meaning for people is not limited to the age when it was written. Therefore, in addition to helping classmates to travel to the classical world, understand the times in Mencius and how he responded to problems in the times, he also hopes that classmates will think about the contemporary meaning of Mencius through personal study and discussion.

參考書目 Reference Books


[Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi: "A Collection of Four Chapters and Sentences". Taipei City: Yuhu Publishing House, 2010.
Wang Bangxiong, Zeng Zhaoxu, and Yang Zuhan: "Interpretation of Mencius's Idioms and Literature". Taipei: Yuzhaihu Publishing House, 2004.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
40 申論題
Final exam
40 申論題
Attendance rate

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[LAN012]
授課教師 Teacher:梁奮程
修課班級 Class:哲學系1-4
選課備註 Memo:中哲
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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