透過對中西形上學原典研讀,使學生了解:(一) 中西形上學主要概念;(二) 西方形上學發展與重要學說;(三)當代形上學主要議題。Through the study of the original classics of Chinese and Western metaphysics, students can understand: (1) the main concepts of Chinese and Western metaphysics; (2) the development and important theories of Western metaphysics; (3) the main issues of contemporary metaphysics.
在中西思想發展中,對於宇宙人生普遍原理的整體思辨,以及對於終極真際(ultimate reality)的理性關懷,不僅指示了哲學之為形上學的追求,也標誌了人類心智與精神活動的重大成就。什麼是構成宇宙自然的基本原理?什麼是支配宇宙自然的普遍法則?這原理與法則和人有什麼關係?人在宇宙之中,居於何等地位?什麼是宇宙人生的究極真相?在變遷不已的表面現象背後,是否有永恆不變的原理?對於這些形上學的問題,哲學家們曾提出各種解答。本課程主要將介紹(一)形上學的概念與意義;(二)研究範圍與主要課題;(三)當代形上學主要議題。
In the development of Chinese and Western thought, the overall speculation on the universal principles of the universe and life, and the rational concern for ultimate reality, not only indicate the metaphysical pursuit of philosophy, but also mark the major achievements of human mental and spiritual activities. . What are the basic principles that constitute the nature of the universe? What are the universal laws that govern the nature of the universe? What is the relationship between this principle, law, and people? What is the position of man in the universe? What is the ultimate truth of life in the universe? Behind the ever-changing surface phenomena, are there eternal principles? Philosophers have proposed various answers to these metaphysical questions. This course will mainly introduce (1) the concept and meaning of metaphysics; (2) the scope and main topics of research; (3) the main issues of contemporary metaphysics.
Plato, Republic.
Aristotle, Metaphysics, Book V & VII; Categories, Section 1, Part 5, translated by W. D. Ross.
Rene Descartes, “Of the Principles of Human Knowledge,” The Principles of Philosophy by Rene Descartes Selections from the Principles of Philosophy, Translated by John Veitch, LL. D.; Meditations, translated from the Latin by Donald A. Cress, Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co, 1979.
B. Spinoza, Ethics, Benedict de Spinoza ; edited and translated by Edwin Curley, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,1994.
J. Locke, An Essay concerning Human Understanding, edited with an introd., critical apparatus and glossary by Peter H. Nidditch, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
G. Leibniz, Monadology. Translated by George MacDonald Ross, 1999.
D. Hume, Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, Jonathan Bennett ed.
Yu Yixian, "A Brief Discussion of Mr. Equation 2 and Chinese Metaphysics—Starting from Western Classical Metaphysics", "Journal of the Faculty of Literature, Tunghai University", Volume 45, Pages 313-346.
Written by Yu Yixian, (July 1999). "The First Part of Parmenides and the Issue of Participation", "Journal of Tunghai University", Volume 40, Taichung: School of Liberal Arts, Tunghai University, pp. 203-241.
Written by Yu Yixian, (September 1990). "Locke and Innate Theory", "Chinese Culture Monthly" Issue 131, Taichung: Tunghai University, pp. 109-121.
Plato, Republic.
Aristotle, Metaphysics, Book V & VII; Categories, Section 1, Part 5, translated by W. D. Ross.
Rene Descartes, “Of the Principles of Human Knowledge,” The Principles of Philosophy by Rene Descartes Selections from the Principles of Philosophy, Translated by John Veitch, LL. D.; Meditations, translated from the Latin by Donald A. Cress, Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co, 1979.
B. Spinoza, Ethics, Benedict de Spinoza; edited and translated by Edwin Curley, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994.
J. Locke, An Essay concerning Human Understanding, edited with an introd., critical apparatus and glossary by Peter H. Nidditch, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
G. Leibniz, Monadology. Translated by George MacDonald Ross, 1999.
D. Hume, Inquiry concerning Human Understanding, Jonathan Bennett ed.
Recommended teaching materials for notes:
Shen Qingsong, "Metaphysics: An Exploration of Existence, Human Nature, and Ultimate Reality, Taipei: National Taiwan University Publishing Center", 2019 [108].
(Ancient Greece) Aristotle, translated by Guo Cong, "Metaphysics explores the mysterious original part of the universe and all things", Chongqing Publishing House, 2019.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
隨堂考三次隨堂考三次 Take the exam three times |
45 | 隨堂考試,每次1小時,佔總成績15分,共45分 |
期末考期末考 final exam |
30 | 分筆試與口試兩階段 |
書面報告或筆記書面報告或筆記 written reports or notes |
25 | 擇一為之,佔總成績25分 |