本課程的目標在透過對主要倫理派別及其主要代表人物倫理思想的講述,輔以相關原典的閱讀,以使學生在了解各家倫理學思想的同時,也能逐步建立獨自閱讀哲學原典的能力。另外,透過對當前社會所面臨的一些與倫理學相關的重大爭議課題的討論,讓學生能夠更清楚地知道,倫理學並不只是一門學問,它還是一項活生生在我們眼前上演,影響著我們生活的重大任務。The goal of this course is to introduce the ethical thoughts of the main ethical schools and their main representatives, supplemented by the reading of relevant original texts, so that students can not only understand the ethical thoughts of each school, but also gradually build the ability to read the original philosophical texts independently. . In addition, through the discussion of some major ethics-related controversial issues faced by the current society, students can understand more clearly that ethics is not just a subject, it is also a living thing that is performed before our eyes and affects us. The great tasks of life.
Ethics not only explores the nature of good and evil, the legitimacy of behavior, sense of responsibility, norms of moral or ethical values, etc., but also explores issues such as human nature and the possibility of moral behavior. Because ethics deals with the legitimacy of actions, it can provide guiding principles for our daily lives. No matter what we pursue in real life, this pursuit cannot be separated from "goodness". In this sense, the Greeks regarded ethics as a philosophy of life. Even from a modern point of view, ethics remains the theoretical foundation of any philosophy of life. Because no matter power, wealth, knowledge, status, etc., once they are separated from "goodness", they lose their value.
Ethics can be mainly divided into three parts: normative ethics, meta-ethics, and applied ethics due to different natures of issues. Teaching ethics will start with an introduction, and then cover the main schools of ethics and their basic arguments. Then, we will systematically select the most representative and contemporary theories from normative ethics, meta-ethics and applied ethics to teach.
In addition, Confucian ethical thought will be introduced, providing a way for "comparative research" on Chinese and Western philosophy.
Aristote, Nicomachean ethics, Roger Crisp (2000).
Jeremy Bentham, The Principles of Morals and Legislation, Nabu Press (January 11, 2010).
Kant, Practical Philosophy, Cambridge University Press (February 1, 1999).
Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue, University of Notre Dame Press (March 1, 2007).
John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, Public Domain Books (February 1, 2004).
G. E. Moore, Principia Ethica, Hardcover (Jan 1, 1965).
Frankena, William, Ethics, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall(1973).
Aristote, Nicomachean ethics, Roger Crisp (2000).
Jeremy Bentham, The Principles of Morals and Legislation, Nabu Press (January 11, 2010).
Kant, Practical Philosophy, Cambridge University Press (February 1, 1999).
Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue, University of Notre Dame Press (March 1, 2007).
John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, Public Domain Books (February 1, 2004).
G. E. Moore, Principia Ethica, Hardcover (Jan 1, 1965).
Frankena, William, Ethics, Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall(1973).
Aristotle, "Nicomachean Ethics", Taipei, Taiwan Business, 2006.
Kant, "Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals", Taipei, Lian Jing, 1990.
"Critique of Practical Reason", Beijing, People's Publishing House, 2003.
Bentham, "Introduction to the Principles of Morality and Legislation", Beijing, Commerce, 2000.
Mill, "Utilitarianism", Shanghai, Shanghai People, 2007.
MacIntyre, After Virtue, Beijing, Chinese Social Sciences, 1995.
Moore, "Principles of Ethics", Taipei, Lianjing, 1967.
Lin Huowang, "Ethics", Taipei City, Wunan Publishing House, 1999.
Beacham, "The Ethics of Philosophy", China Society Press, 1990.
Zhu Jianmin et al., "Applied Ethics and Modern Society", Luzhou Township, Taipei County: Kongda, first published in 1995.
Zhou Fucheng, ed., "Selected Works on Western Ethics" (Volume 1 and 2), Beijing, The Commercial Press, 1987.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
20 | 出席成績 |
期中考試期中考試 midterm exam |
40 | |
期末考試期末考試 final exam |
40 |