course information of 109 - 1 | 0288 Introduction to Language and(語言溝通概論)

0288 - 語言溝通概論 Introduction to Language and

教育目標 Course Target

1.言語コミュニケーション分野の研究(言語学、社会言語学、日中対照研究、役割語、言語景観など)を知る 2.言語の多様性(社会方言、地域方言、各種スピーチ)を知る 3.コミュニケーションの仕組みを知り、コミュニケーションの問題解決や自身のコミュニケーションの多元化に役立てることができるようにする 4.さまざまなコミュニケーション(言語/非言語、接触場面、仲間/教師とのコミュニケーション、社会の人々とのコミュニケーション、書籍や作品とのコミュニケーション)を体験し、コミュニケーションを豊かな学習に役立てる方法を学ぶ1. Research in the field of speech linguistics (linguistics, sociolinguistics, Japanese-Chinese cooperation studies, Japanese language, speech scenery) を知る 2. The diversity of languages ​​(social dialects, regional dialects, various dialects) and knowledge 3.コミュニケーションの士组みを知り、コミュニケーションのProblem SolvingやownのコミュニケーションのdiversificationにServantEstablishmentてることができるようにする 4.さまざまなコミュニケーション (verbal/non-verbal, contact scene, nakama/teacher とのコミュニケーション, social の人々とのコミュニケーション、Books and worksとのコミュニケーション)を体験し、コミュニケーションを豊かなlearningに伫立てる methodを学ぶ

課程概述 Course Description

This course, along with "Introduction to Representational Culture" and "Introduction to Social Culture", is one of the required basic courses in this department. The main purpose of this course is to help students understand the relevant basic knowledge of linguistics and communication studies, and also to allow students to think through issues such as understanding what language ability, communication ability is, and why they learn languages. Establish students' basic attitude towards language learning, and then discover communication-related problems around them in life.

參考書目 Reference Books

石井敏・久米昭元・長谷川典子・桜木俊行・石黒武人 (2013)『はじめて学ぶ 異文化
河合優子・工藤正子・川端浩平・渡会環・田中東子・高美哿(2016)『交錯する多文化社会 異文化コミュニケーションを捉え直す』ナカニシヤ出版
山岸俊男 (編著) (2014)『文化を実験する』勁草書房
師岡康子(2013)『ヘイトスピーチとは何か』 岩波書店

Ishii Satoshi, Kume Akimoto, Hasegawa Noriko, Sakuragi Toshiyuki, Ishiguro Taketo (2013)『はじめて学ぶ different culture
コミュニケーション』Youbi Pavilion
Richiko Ikeda, Yukieda Maki, Satoshi Aonuma, Arata Miyazaki, Naoki Kobe, Taketo Ishiguro... Yuko Kawai (2019)
『グローバル Society and Different Cultureコミュニケーション》Sanshusha
Yuko Kawai, Masako Kudo, Kohei Kawabata, Tamaki Watanabe, Tako Tadashi, Takami Kuai (2016) "A multicultural society with a cross-section of cultures, a multicultural society, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, a different culture, and a different culture. Toshio Yamagishi (Editor) (2014) "Culture を実験する" Jincao Shobo
Mitsuhiro Fujimaki, Arata Miyazaki, Ryoko Sato, Shinro Tajima, Aki Hirata, Akiko Fukumoto, Miyawaki, Haru Yamada, Tetsu Moriizumi
(2019) "Introduction to Social Studies" ひつじ Study
Shioka Yasuko (2013)『ヘイトスピーチとは何か』 Iwanami Shoten

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0281 Introduction to Language and / 語言溝通概論 (日文系2A,授課教師:王怡人/內田良子,三/5,6[HT302])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[HT302]
授課教師 Teacher:王怡人/內田良子
修課班級 Class:日文系2B
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 48 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 48 人。

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