course information of 109 - 1 | 0218 Introduction to Public History(公眾史學導論)

0218 - 公眾史學導論 Introduction to Public History

教育目標 Course Target

課程目標: 一、了解公眾史學的內容、價值與發展方向。 二、認識本校歷史學系史學理論課程與史學應用課程的連結性,及延伸出的實踐性與教育目的。 三、期盼藉由對公眾史學基本概念的引介,以及同學有實際參與的經驗之後,能引導同學選修本系相關聯的歷史寫作、口述歷史、歷史紀錄片製作、博物館策展、影視史學、考古學與數位資源等史學應用課程,並促使同學進一步規畫未來學習與職涯的方向。 課程內涵: 一、推動史學普及,使史學走向公眾,從1970年代開始,即成為史學界思考的問題。公眾史學(Public History)起源於1970年代的美國,而之後英國、德國、法國、中國和臺灣等對於公眾史學又分別有不盡相同的界定與指涉。 二、本課程主要從臺灣【公眾史學】的史學應用實例,及本歷史系已經或潛在發展的幾個面向出發,著重於歷史書寫、田野調查、口述歷史、歷史檔案、圖書館、博物館展示、影視史學、文資保存和數位人文等方面的聯結與講述,進行由下而上自覺運動的討論與實踐。 Course objectives: 1. Understand the content, value and development direction of public history. 2. Understand the connection between the history theory courses and the history application courses of the History Department of our school, as well as the extended practicality and educational purpose. 3. It is hoped that through the introduction of the basic concepts of public history and the students' practical participation experience, students can be guided to elective courses related to this department such as historical writing, oral history, historical documentary production, museum curation, film and television history, and archaeology. It also provides historical application courses such as learning and digital resources, and encourages students to further plan their future study and career directions. Course content: 1. Promoting the popularization of history and bringing history to the public has become an issue that the historians have been thinking about since the 1970s. Public History originated in the United States in the 1970s. Later, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, and Taiwan had different definitions and references for public history. 2. This course mainly starts from the historical application examples of Taiwan’s [Public History] and several aspects of the history department’s current or potential development. It focuses on historical writing, fieldwork, oral history, historical archives, libraries, museum displays, The connection and narration of film and television history, cultural heritage preservation, and digital humanities are discussed and practiced from the bottom up.

參考書目 Reference Books

周樑楷,〈影視史學:理論基礎及課程主旨的反思》,《臺大歷史學報》,23 期 (1999/06),頁445-470。
Achenbaum, Andrew W. “Public History's Past, Present, and Prospects.” American Historical Review 92 (1987): 21–46.
Cauvin, Thomas. Public History: A Textbook of Practice, NY: Routledge, 2016.
Sayer, Faye. Public History: A Practical Guide, London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.

Wang Xi, "Who Owns History: The Origin, Development and Challenges of American Public History", "Historical Research", Issue 3, 2010, pp. 34-47.
Zhou Liangkai, ed., "Everyone is a Historian: A Collection of Popular Historiography", Volume 1, Taichung: Caiyu Publishing House, 2004.
Zhou Liangkai, "Film and Television Historiography: Reflections on Theoretical Basis and Course Purpose", "Journal of National Taiwan University History", Issue 23 (1999/06), pp. 445-470.
Chen Xin, "Theoretical Foundation and Academic Framework of "Public History"", "Historical Monthly", March 2012.
Editor-in-Chief Zhang Longzhi, "Historical Taiwan: Journal of the National Taiwan Museum of History" Issue 8, "Special Topics in Popular History", Tainan: National Museum of History, 2014.
Qian Maowei, "General Theory of Chinese Public History", China Social Sciences Press, 2015.
Achenbaum, Andrew W. "Public History's Past, Present, and Prospects." American Historical Review 92 (1987): 21–46.
Cauvin, Thomas. Public History: A Textbook of Practice, NY: Routledge, 2016.
Sayer, Faye. Public History: A Practical Guide, London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
20 申論題型
Class Performance and Attendance
40 除出席狀況之外,課堂參與度及互動表現也視為評分衡量的參考
Everyone Talks about Writing History: Final History Writing Assignment
20 結合文字史料所書寫的「家鄉歷史」word檔(請註明史料參考來源)
人人說寫歷史:期末口頭報告 人人說寫歷史:期末口頭報告
Everyone Talks about Writing History: Final Oral Report
20 結合文字史料、圖像史料和影音資料呈現的「家鄉歷史」ppt檔(其中必須包含1-2分鐘的口述歷史影音或聲音檔的呈現,並請註明所有史料參考來源)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7[H105]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇信恩
修課班級 Class:歷史系1-4
選課備註 Memo:史學、方法與應用領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。保留10個名額給大一。
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目前選課人數為 34 人。

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