course information of 109 - 1 | 0213 History of the United States(美國史)

0213 - 美國史 History of the United States

教育目標 Course Target

美國立國兩百多年來,已經成為世界上的強國。其文化雖由歐洲文明衍生而來,然而由世界各地先後來到美洲的不同族群在北美大陸嘗試著異中求同、互相包容,共同相處,因而孕育出獨特的文化色彩;以自由民主為基本理念,建立多元化的社會。 本課程的主旨闡明美國歷史背景,分析美國的社會與文化的發展,及其逐步壯大的過程,期使學生在全球化的時代裡,能夠掌握借重美國的特質,並以維用。一則以增進個人對於周邊社會與文化的瞭解,掌握世界局勢發展的脈絡;進而培養學生的歷史思維。 Over the past two hundred years since its founding, the United States has become a powerful country in the world. Although its culture was derived from European civilization, different ethnic groups who came to the Americas from all over the world tried to seek common ground in differences, tolerate each other, and get along with each other on the North American continent, thus giving birth to a unique cultural color; based on freedom and democracy concept to build a diverse society. The purpose of this course is to clarify the historical background of the United States, analyze the development of American society and culture, and its gradual growth process, so that students can master and maintain the characteristics of the United States in the era of globalization. One is to enhance personal understanding of surrounding society and culture and grasp the development of the world situation; and then to cultivate students' historical thinking.

課程概述 Course Description

美國立國兩百多年來,已經成為世界上的強國。其文化雖由歐洲文明衍生而來,然而由世界各地先後來到美洲的不同族群在北美大陸嘗試著異中求同、互相包容,共同相處,因而孕育出獨特的文化色彩;以自由民主為基本理念,建立多元化的社會。 本課程的主旨闡明美國歷史背景,分析美國的社會與文化的發展,及其逐步壯大的過程,期使學生在全球化的時代裡,能夠掌握借重美國的特質,並以維用。一則以增進個人對於周邊社會與文化的瞭解,掌握世界局勢發展的脈絡;進而培養學生的歷史思維。
Over the past two hundred years since its founding, the United States has become a powerful country in the world. Although its culture was derived from European civilization, different ethnic groups who came to the Americas from all over the world tried to seek common ground in differences, tolerate each other, and get along with each other on the North American continent, thus giving birth to a unique cultural color; based on freedom and democracy concept to build a diverse society. The purpose of this course is to clarify the historical background of the United States, analyze the development of American society and culture, and its gradual growth process, so that students can master and maintain the characteristics of the United States in the era of globalization. One is to enhance personal understanding of surrounding society and culture and grasp the development of the world situation; and then to cultivate students' historical thinking.

參考書目 Reference Books

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[H122]
授課教師 Teacher:張四德
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:世界史領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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