course information of 109 - 1 | 0208 The History of Modern Chinese(近代中國圖像史)

0208 - 近代中國圖像史 The History of Modern Chinese

教育目標 Course Target

廣義的“圖像”(包括圖畫、相片、電影,動漫和影像紀錄......)做為一種「閱讀」的形式,已經是現今社會重要的思考和表述模式。與近代中國歷史文化有關的圖像素材正不斷派生中。做為視覺文化與媒體出現的近代中國,在印刷術的進步,大量報刊的出現,以及電影的發行都有別於過去的歷史時期;本課程旨在藉由閱讀與分析各種不同類別、性質與近代中國歷在學生已具有中國近代史的基礎背景下,本課程將以主題性,大量閱讀有關的圖像資料。圖像史料的生成與閱讀方式和文字不盡相同,如影像中的隱喻或暗喻方式、圖形的標示方向、明信片的獵奇心態……都需要特別辨明。本課程將依類型列舉代表性的作品,幫助學生以不同路徑,深入認識近代中國歷史多元和豐富的不同側面。從有關的的“圖像”素材,幫助學生認識此種方式所“敘述”、“建構”的近代中國「歷史」,並進而培養以圖像建構出來的歷史思維與表述的能力。 "Images" in a broad sense (including pictures, photos, movies, animations and video records...), as a form of "reading", have become an important mode of thinking and expression in today's society. Image materials related to modern Chinese history and culture are constantly being derived. As the emergence of visual culture and media, modern China is different from past historical periods with the advancement of printing, the emergence of a large number of newspapers and periodicals, and the distribution of films; this course aims to read and analyze various categories, properties and Modern Chinese History As students already have a basic background in modern Chinese history, this course will be thematic and read a large number of relevant image materials. The generation and reading methods of image historical materials are different from the text. For example, the metaphor or metaphor in the image, the direction of the graphics, the novelty mentality of the postcard... all need to be specially identified. This course will list representative works by type to help students gain an in-depth understanding of the diverse and rich aspects of modern Chinese history through different paths. From relevant "image" materials, it helps students understand the "history" of modern China that is "narrated" and "constructed" in this way, and then cultivates the ability of historical thinking and expression constructed with images.

課程概述 Course Description

"Images" in a broad sense (including pictures, photos, movies, animations and video records...), as a form of "reading", have become an important mode of thinking and expression in today's society. Image materials related to modern Chinese history and culture are constantly being derived. As the emergence of visual culture and media, modern China is different from past historical periods with the advancement of printing, the emergence of a large number of newspapers and periodicals, and the distribution of films; this course aims to read and analyze various categories, properties and Modern Chinese History. As students already have a basic background in modern Chinese history, this course will focus on thematic reading of a large number of relevant image materials. The generation and reading methods of image historical materials are different from the text. For example, the metaphor or metaphor in the image, the direction of the graphics, the novelty mentality of the postcard... all need to be specially identified. This course will list representative works by type to help students gain an in-depth understanding of the diverse and rich aspects of modern Chinese history through different paths. From relevant "image" materials, it helps students understand the "history" of modern China that is "narrated" and "constructed" in this way, and then cultivates the ability of historical thinking and expression constructed with images.

參考書目 Reference Books

Yu Aixue Online Announcement

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance and discussion participation
Class assignments and practical reports
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7[H122]
授課教師 Teacher:范純武
修課班級 Class:歷史系2-4
選課備註 Memo:中國史領域課程。第一堂課未出席者,視同放棄,將逕予退選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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