course information of 109 - 1 | 0029 Historical Chinese Semantics(訓詁學)

0029 - 訓詁學 Historical Chinese Semantics

教育目標 Course Target

訓詁為研究意義的學問。本課程目標不僅使同學習得分析研究古辭古義的方法,並了解其中的精義,從而引申應用於現代社會。除了解釋傳統的訓詁觀念之外,並傳授現代詞匯語義學之知識,更以古今例證參照,使學生瞭解如何融合古今。Exegesis is the study of meaning. The goal of this course is not only to enable students to learn the methods of analyzing and studying the ancient meanings of ancient words, but also to understand their essence, so as to apply them to modern society. In addition to explaining traditional exegetical concepts, it also imparts knowledge of modern vocabulary and semantics. It also uses ancient and modern examples as reference to enable students to understand how to integrate ancient and modern times.

課程概述 Course Description

A班 本課程為大四必修課程,授課內容主要為訓詁方法與詞義解釋相關論題。將學生以往所習文字、聲韻、修辭、文法、文化等種種語文能力聚合起來,增進學生閱讀古籍之能力,並進而能為古籍註解。 B班 本課程為中文系大四必修課程。學生歷經文字學、聲韻學之訓練,已具備相當程度之古漢語知識;通過訓詁學系統之整合,學生將更可以融會貫通具體應用,以解決古今漢語相關之問題。本課程詳細介紹訓詁觀念,並以具體方法與實際例證,使學生瞭解如何運用訓詁。無論對於從事漢語專業研究,或中國文學相關領域研究,以及中文教學,均能產生積極作用。
Class A This course is a compulsory course for senior students. The teaching content mainly covers topics related to exegetical methods and word meaning interpretation. It integrates students' previous knowledge of characters, pronunciation, rhetoric, grammar, culture and other language skills to enhance students' ability to read ancient books and then annotate ancient books. Class B This course is a required course for senior students in the Chinese Department. After being trained in philology and phonology, students already have a considerable degree of knowledge of ancient Chinese. Through the integration of the exegetical system, students will be able to master specific applications to solve problems related to ancient and modern Chinese. This course introduces the concept of exegesis in detail, and uses specific methods and practical examples to enable students to understand how to use exegesis. It can have a positive impact on whether you are engaged in Chinese professional research, research in Chinese literature-related fields, or Chinese teaching.

參考書目 Reference Books

實用訓詁學 周碧香 洪葉出版社
Practical Exegesis Zhou Bixiang Hongye Publishing House
Projection of self-edited lecture notes

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
midterm exam
final exam

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-0031 Historical Chinese Semantics / 訓詁學 (中文系4B,授課教師:王安碩,二/3,4[H205])

Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[H304]
授課教師 Teacher:周玟慧
修課班級 Class:中文系4A
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 43 人。

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