course information of 109 - 1 | 0028 History of Chinese Thought(中國思想史)

0028 - 中國思想史 History of Chinese Thought

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之主旨,在於使學生對於中國思想的起源和發展有基本的了解,並培養學生未來繼續深入中國哲學的知識基礎。中國思想之發展有其政治、經濟、社會、文化等歷史背景因素,有個人身體、心理、實踐及存在之經驗與反省,以及哲學觀念上的創造、延續、變化、突破。因此,學生在學習中國思想史之際,既需要能將具體的歷史知識和個人經驗連結到抽象的哲學思辨,也需要能辨識出哲學思辨背後所對應的具體情境。透過基本文獻的閱讀,以及批判性的反思,使學生不但對中國思想的流變有一概括性的掌握,又能將此思考方法應用到現當代問題及自身處境之中The purpose of this course is to enable students to have a basic understanding of the origin and development of Chinese thought, and to cultivate the knowledge base of Chinese philosophy for students to continue in the future. The development of Chinese thought has its political, economic, social, cultural and other historical background factors, as well as personal physical, psychological, practical and existential experience and reflection, as well as the creation, continuation, change and breakthrough of philosophical concepts. Therefore, when students study the history of Chinese thought, they need to be able to connect specific historical knowledge and personal experience to abstract philosophical speculation, and they also need to be able to identify the specific situations behind the philosophical speculation. Through the reading of basic literature and critical reflection, students will not only have a general grasp of the evolution of Chinese thought, but also be able to apply this thinking method to modern and contemporary issues and their own situations.

課程概述 Course Description

一、該課程在系所的定位 中國思想史屬於中文系課程四大群組中的「學術思想組」,為本系之必修課程。 二、所教授的專業能力 本課程所教授者並非一般語文能力,而是屬於專業學術研究能力之基礎培養。 三、授課內容: 1.周代文化—詩教與春秋教 2.孔子思想及其與周文化的關係 3.戰國思想:墨家—孟子—老子—莊子—荀子—韓非子 4.戰國後期與秦漢之際的思想:黃老—呂氏春秋 5.漢代思想:淮南子—董仲舒—讖緯思想—楊雄—王充 6.魏晉思想:王弼—阮籍—嵇康—郭象 7.漢末魏晉南北朝佛學—佛學基本名相—東漢後期初入中國的佛教—般若學的發展與六家七宗—道生與涅槃思想—南北朝佛教—中國大乘佛教各宗之興起 8.佛教宗派舉要:三論宗—天臺宗—禪宗—唯識宗 9.宋明理學:北宋儒學之發展—周濂溪—張橫渠—二程—朱子—象山—陽明 四、課程的教學目標: 本課程目的在訓練學生具備對儒家、道家等各家思想,以及印度傳來之佛學在中國歷史演變中相互激盪所形成的學術思想內容之大要。使學生對中國人的思想形態能有一總相的認識。 五、學生通過此課程時後所培養的能力: 學生通過此課程之後,能培養對中國學術思想史的基本認識能力,但仍不足以具備在此一學術範圍內的獨立研究能力。
1. Positioning of this course in the department The History of Chinese Thought belongs to the "Academic Thought Group" among the four major courses in the Chinese Department and is a required course in this department. 2. Professional abilities taught What this course teaches is not general Chinese skills, but the basic cultivation of professional academic research abilities. 3. Teaching content: 1. Zhou Dynasty Culture—Poetry and Spring and Autumn Religion 2. Confucius’ thought and its relationship with Zhou culture 3. Thoughts of the Warring States Period: Mohism - Mencius - Laozi - Zhuangzi - Xunzi - Han Feizi 4. Thoughts in the late Warring States period and the Qin and Han Dynasties: Huang Lao-Lu Spring and Autumn Period 5. Thoughts of the Han Dynasty: Huainanzi - Dong Zhongshu - Chenwei Thoughts - Yang Xiong - Wang Chong 6. Thoughts of the Wei and Jin Dynasties: Wang Bi—Ruan Ji—Ji Kang—Guo Xiang 7. Buddhism in the late Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties - the basic names of Buddhism - Buddhism that first entered China in the late Eastern Han Dynasty - the development of Prajna Buddhism and the Six Schools and Seven Sects - the thoughts of Taoism and Nirvana - Buddhism in the Northern and Southern Dynasties - the rise of various sects of Mahayana Buddhism in China 8. Summary of Buddhist sects: San Lun Sect - Tiantai Sect - Zen Sect - Consciousness Only Sect 9. Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties: The Development of Confucianism in the Northern Song Dynasty—Zhou Lianxi—Zhang Hengqu—Er Cheng—Zhu Zi—Xiangshan—Yangming 4. Teaching objectives of the course: The purpose of this course is to train students to have a general understanding of Confucianism, Taoism and other schools of thought, as well as the academic ideological content formed by the mutual stimulation of Buddhism from India in the evolution of Chinese history. To enable students to have a general understanding of Chinese people's ideological patterns. 5. Abilities developed by students after passing this course: After students pass this course, they will be able to develop a basic understanding of the history of Chinese academic thought, but it is still not enough to have independent research capabilities within this academic scope.

參考書目 Reference Books

Lao Siguang, "New History of Chinese Philosophy", Taipei: Sanmin Book Company, no particular year.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
final exam
usual results

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:李忠達
修課班級 Class:中文系3B
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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